Chapter 6

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Laura and Ziggy was standing looking at the door where Nick and Gary had walked out

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Laura and Ziggy was standing looking at the door where Nick and Gary had walked out. When suddenly two of Will's friends push Ziggy against the wall. Laura turns and sees that Will is with them, she sighes. She walks up to them and pull Will aside. "Will, what the hell you're doing? I told you to get ready to leave" Will sighes "I will but i'm not leaving without Sheila" Laura looks at him confused and looks back at Ziggy who has relaised something "Shit" Ziggy runs out. Laura sighes "Okay everyone stay here" Before she runs after Ziggy.

Laura is outside the cabin when she sees Ziggy screaming after Nick. Laura runs up to her "Ziggy what's going on?" She sighes "It's a long story but me and Nick did a prank on Sheila and she's locked in the outhouse" Laura looks at her shocked. "Okay let's go" Ziggy nods and they run towards the outhouse. Laura can only hope they're not too late.

Alice grunts in pain but thankful Cindy founds her. "Jesus" She walks up to her to check her leg. "I was there in the past" Cindy nods "You're okay" Cindy takes a deep breath "I saw the killers. They killed so many and you're next. You're fucking next!!" Cindy shakes her head "No that's not true. I'm right here." Alice grunts "The witch did this. She did all of this. She put a curse on Shadyside. Mary was right."

Cindy sighes "I know!" Alice can't believe she's finally hearing this from Cindy. "The cave was alive Alice. Tylenol can't do that and um..." Alice looks at Cindy "Cindy? What happened to Laura?" Cindy sighes "The ground crashed under her and she fell but the ground only crashed under her like she was the only one worth saving" Alice looks at her shocked, didn't expect that. Cindy takes a deep breath and then looks at Alice. "You're right. I'm a snitch. The day after we stole Mr. Evans's JVC player, Harold Hines saw me with it." Alice smiles through the pain "Fucking Harold Hines" Cindy pushes onto Alice's wound to make the pressure go away and blood pour out t which makes Alice scream in pain. "Next thing i know. I'm in the principal's office and my dad can't come in because he just ran off with some girl not much older than i am now and my mom, well she was having a few drinks at O'Connells. And i knew then i wasn't different from the other shadysiders. I was cursed"

Cindy is trying to keep herself from not crying. "I told myself if i was perfect. If i did everything right. I could beat it. But then i met Laura and i fell hard. But i still felt the need to be perfect so i broke up with her and started dating Tommy. He was so sweet but he wasn't the one for me. The one for me was a girl, the princess of Sunnyvale and i hated myself for it." Cindy is binding Alice's wound with a bandage. "I avoided you but i couldn't avoid Ziggy. Because she was always there to remind me of the truth that this town, this place... was cursed" Cindy sniffles and looks at Alice "And so are we. Now i know and she was right. So was Laura. I can't deny who i am any longer and i will not deny how i feel about her." Alice smiles nods "Good" Cindy sighes "I've been a bad sister, i've been a bad friend and i was a bad girlfriend. I should've skipped class, partied, had sex, had fun." Cindy shakes her head "I should've told her how much i loved her because i still do"

Alice sniffles "Hate to break it to you but the fun it's not any more real than your polo shirt. There's a reason why i wear these." Cindy looks down at Alice's bracelets "And it's not just because they're awesome" Alice pulls them off and show Cindy that she's been cutting herself. Now Cindy is crying. "We all have our ways to deal with Shadyside" But then Cindy sees something and takes it off the cave. "What is it?" Cindy shows it to Alice "The moss, it stained my shirt. The outhouse." Cindy stands up and takes the flashlight and light it toward the cave wall. The moss all over the cave's wall. Cindy smiles "This stuff is all over the outhouse" Cindy sits down again and looks at Alice. "The camp. It means we're close"

Laura and Ziggy are now outside the outhouse. "So did you guys just lock her up or something else." We had spiders and snakes fall on her." Laura sighes "Oh my god" They look at the door. Laura sighes in relief, Tommy hasn't been here. They walk in. "Sheila?" They both shout out. Spiders on the floor. "Sheila, are you still in here?" Ziggy looks into one toilet stall and Laura looks into another. When another toilet stall opens. "You bitch!" Laura turns and sees Sheila pulling Ziggy's hair and pushing her into the wall. Laura goes up to them quickly "Sheila please listen to us it's a.." But she cuts off when Sheila pushes her to the ground. "Stay out of this Laura" Laura stands up "There is a killer" In that moment Sheila slaps Ziggy and then Ziggy punches Sheila and knocks her out. Laura stands next to Ziggy and looks down at Sheila that's passed out. "Oh shit"

Suddenly Laura feel an hand on her arm which makes her gasp but then she sees it's Gary. She sighes in relief. He looks and sees Sheila passed out. "What's going on in here?" Laura turn to look at Gary "Is everyone okay?" Gary still confused "No, everyone is heading back to the mess hall, where's Nick?" Laura looks at him confused "How should we know you went out with him" Suddenly they hear muffled screams coming from somewhere. Gary again confused "Did you hear that?" Both Ziggy and Laura nods.

Suddenly Laura relaise something, it couldn't be. Laura walks into one of the stalls and hears it even clearer, It's Cindy and Alice. Laura pulls up the toilet seat and when she looks down she sees them. "Cindy and Alice?" Cindy sighes in relief and smiles "Laura, is Ziggy there with you?" Laura nods "Yes she's righ here, she's fine. Hold on a second" Laura pulls down the seat and turn to Ziggy and Cary. "It's Cindy and Alice, they're down there." They looks at her confused "How?" Laura turn them "It's a long story just help me!"

They pull down a bucket that Cindy and Alice can get on. Alice being injured goes first. Laura turn to Ziggy and Cary "Now!" They start pulling. It becomes harder "Come on keep pulling" Ziggy shouts out. They hear the door open and there stands Tommy, all bloody with an axe. Tommy goes first to Gary and cuts his head off. Which makes Laura and Ziggy loose grip and Alice falls down. Tommy then goes for Ziggy, Laura takes Ziggy hand and they run out screaming. Cindy is screaming after Ziggy and Laura.

Ziggy and Laura is running and panting when they run into someone, Nick. When Laura sees it's him she jumps into his arms and holds him tightly. "Okay what's going on?" Laura pulls away "He's here" Ziggy nods. Nick nods "Okay, come on" He takes both of their hands and they run.

Laura can only hope Cindy and Alice find their way out.

Cindy has finallyn admitted that she still loves Laura!! I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts.

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