Chapter 5

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Alice looks at Cindy in chock

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Alice looks at Cindy in chock.  Laura is gone? But how, where did she go?  Alice sits down.  Cindy still tries to get out which irritates Alice.  "Are you just gonna pretend everything is ok?"  Cindy looks at Alice and sighes.  "Alice i just..."  Cindy sits down, Alice turns to look at her.  "Tommy's split Arnie's head in half,  Do you relaise that?"  Cindy doesn't wanna talk about this "Can you just help me?"  "With what?!" Alice finally shouts.  Alice starts walking but Cindy follows her "No we have to get out"  Alice turns to her "Then tell me what happended with Laura"  Cindy looks at her chocked "What?"  Alice scoffs "You were there.  And now she is mysteriously gone and you won't tell me"   Cindy shakes her head "Later but now we have to get out.  Those names on the wall they didn't stop with one kill, they were serial killers."  Alice scoffs  "I thought you didn't believe in the witch"   Cindy shakes her head "I don't! There must be some explanation"  

Alice scoffs "Oh my god you're fucking unbelievable.  He was possesed! Cindy has her back towards Alice "Maybe he took a pill or...."  Alice turn her so she looks at her.  "No! Cindy, no! It wasn't the fucking tylenol, alright!"    Alice take a deep breath "It was the witch."  "Alright you saw those names and that ritual. The witch is real"   "And she's doing some fucking spell shit and possesing people. Ok? Every name on that rock and Mary knew it alright?"   Alice go and picks up Mary's book "She knew it, It's all right here."  Cindy can't take it "This isn't real!" Cindy throws down the book on the ground. 

  Alice takes a step closer to Cindy "You want an explanation? Well here it is ok?  She looked for the hand bone to stop the fucking curse to save Shadyside but she couldn't find it."   "Wanna know what she did find? Your boyfriend's name on that fucking wall"  Cindy shakes her head "No"  Alice nods "So she tried to kill him"  "Stop" Cindy whispers.  "Which i also would've done if i knew there was a chance that Tommy fucking Slater would ax my boyfriend in the fucking head!"  "Listen Shut up"  Cindy screams and pushes Alice.   Alice takes a deep breath and smiles "There we go. That's the Cindy berman i knew"  Cindy feel herself breathing again.  "Now Cindy can please tell me what the fuck happened with Laura"  Cindy shakes her head and starts walking.  She turns to look at Alice one last time  "Don't follow me"  She keeps walking.  "Don't come back here alright!" She hears Alice shouting. 

Laura is now out of the woods, She needs to find Nick quickly.  She is finally by the camps when she hears people screaming so she runs up and she sees blood.  "Oh my god"  She sees then that Nick and Ziggy is standing at the front.  "Nick!" She shouts.  Nick turns around, he sees her and gasps.  "Laura!"  He runs up to her and they hug tightly, Laura is crying.    After a while they pull away.  Nick is still holding her, checking so she isn't hurt.  "Are you alright?"  Laura nods "Yes i'm fine but Nick i know who did this"  Nick looks at her confused "What?"   Laura sighes "I know but it's a lot to explain so just get everyone inside first"  Nick nods.   

Cindy is walking, very scared when suddenly... "Boo!" which makes her jump.  She turns and sees Alice.  "Jesus, what the hell?"  She pushes Alice a little "I told you not to follow me"  Alice  shakes her head and pushes Cindy back "I didn't. You went in a circle"   Alice scoffs "A fucking circle"  Cindy sighes but when she looks down at the book she relaises something so she pick it up.   She looks at the witch's mark with her flashlight.  "One, two, three, four"  She says it over and over again.  Alice looks at her very confused.  "What are you doing?"  Cindy takes a deep breath "The symbol it branches off here, four times."  "Three here, one there.  Just like this cave"  Cindy looks up at Alice "It's the same."  Cindy looks back at the book "Sarah Fier cut off her wicked hand on Satan's stone scarring the soil beneath with the witch's mark"   Alice is shocked.   "So, what like the witch made this fucking place?"  Cindy shrugs "Or the settlers claimed she did. It doesn't matter.  All that matters is that symbol. It's a.."    "It's a map"  Alice answers and smiles.  

Cindy and Alice is walking, following the map.  "Alright it branches off again here. Just stay left."  Alice gasps "I cannot believe this is working"  Cindy sighes "It's taking too long, He could be back at camp already"  Alice turns to look at Cindy "If you have to kill him? Could you?"  Cindy shakes her head "Earlier when Mary attacked, i just."  Cindy gulps "I froze.  I couldn't do anything.  So no i couldn't kill anyone, much less Tommy"  Alice chuckles "Well, good news.  I would happily kill him."  Cindy shakes her head "God even know after everything you're still a jerk"  Cindy keep walking and Alice follow.  "Okay i'm sorry i just never got what you saw in him and that was before the witch possesed him"  Cindy turns to look at Alice "Tommy..."  She sighes "He was sweet. He mad me feel like everything was gonna be ok"  Alice smiles "But we both know he is not the one you truly love"   Cindy knows who Alice was talking about but she couldn't say anything back.   Alice sighes "I loved Arnie, I loved that gross, high little shit"   

Suddenly they hear something.  "Do you hear that?" Cindy asks Alice.  Cindy looks down at the map "There this space here up ahead. All roads lead here"  Alice sighes "Is there any  other way around?"  Cindy shakes her head.  So they decide to walk towards the sound.   There is flees everywhere until Alice stops.  "Cindy, do yous see that?"  Cindy turn to look and sees a disgusting on the ground that beats like a heart.  Cindy takes a deep breath "Just get out of here"  Alice walks closer to the thing but when she touches it she sees every killer.   And when she pulls away and looks at Cindy she sees Cindy dead. She screams and runs away.  She runs until she falls and breaks her leg.  

Everyone is now inside.  Laura and Nick is counting everyone but then the light goes out and every child is screaming.  "Stay calm!"  Laura shouts.  Gary walks up to them "How many?"  Laura sighes "Twenty-three" Gary sighes "That's atleast 30 missing"   Nick goes up to him "Where's the others?"  Gary shakes his head "I don't know"  Laura sighes "Cindy and Alice is trapped in the woods, Arnie is dead and Tommy is the killer"  Nick looks at her chocked "Wait what how do you know this?"  Laura sighes "Because i was with them and i saw Tommy gone mad and  putting an axe into Arnie's head. Then me, Cindy and Alice got trapped and somehow i got out and i don't know where Kurt and joan is tho"  Nick takes a deep breath "Okay wow"  Ziggy starts walking towards the door but Nick stops here.  "Hey!"  Ziggy is frustrated "My sister, she's still out there"  Nick chuckles "The same sister who you have hated since you were a baby"  Ziggy is annoyed, tries to leave but Nick stops here again.  "Look i'm sorry.  I didn't mean it me and Gary will go?"  Laura looks at him shocked.   "Just please stay here"  Ziggy shakes her head "No i can't sit here"  Nick puts his hand on her cheek "i'm not letting you get hurt!" Laura looks at him shocked but smiles.  "Please let me do my job. I'm gonna find your sister. Just stay here ok"   Before Nick can leave with Gary Laura stops him.  "First I always knew you had a thing of her"  Nick smiles "And second.."  Laura pulls him into a tight hug "Come back to me. I'm not losing my twin"  Nick pulls away "That's why i need you to stay here.  Please protect Ziggy"  Laura nods "I will and find Cindy and Alice please"  Nick nods and they hug once again.  "I love you"  Laura sighes "I love you too"  Nick pull away and he  and Gary walk out.  Laura take a deep breath and walks up to Ziggy.  "So you and my brother a thing now?"  Ziggy smiles "Shut up"  

Laura looks at the door, Please let Nick be okay.  Hope he finds Alice and Cindy.  He has to.  

I hope you like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts <3

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