Chapter 10

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Laura was still standing looking at where the tree used to stand.  

Ziggy walks up to her "What's on your mind?"

Laura chuckles "Everything. To think i don't know my own brother, my own family. That just learns that you can't trust anyone really.  How could i be so naive."

Ziggy takes Laura hand so she looks at her "Hey, look at me. It's not your fault and don't blame yourself.  You're not the only one who was blindsided by Nick, i mean i practically fell in love with him."

Laura nods "Yeah, thank you."

Ziggy smiles "Laura, can i ask you a question?"

Laura nods "What is it?"

Ziggy sighes "Do you think Nick really had feelings for me or if it was just a part of his crazy plan."

Laura thinks for a second before answering. "I think my brother really had feelings for you.  I don't think he planned it at all, it just happened."

Ziggy  looks at her "You really think so?"

Laura smiles "I know so.  I remember that day and Nick was looking at you, in a way i had never seen him look at a girl before. I think he just fell for you.  Like i wanted to hate your sister so badly but i just couldn't. I loved her too much for that."

Ziggy smiles.  "Thank you."

Laura smiles "C'mon, let's find the others."

But before they can go they see walking up to them. 

Ziggy chuckles "Or we just wait here"

Laura smiles "Yeah."

Deena, Josh and Martin comes up to them and they form a circle.  

"Everyone says Shadyside sucks because it's full of shitty people that bad things happen here because we're bad.  That we deserve what we have coming.   That's how it was for Sarah and that's how it been for us.  But it's all bullshit.  Ok, just because we're weird  and smart and different.  Doesn't mean they can feed us through their meat grinder. Not anymore, it's been three centuries. No one else have gotten this far.  It stops here.. tonight.   It stops with us, we're gonna kill this motherfucker.  For Sarah, For Kate and Simon, For Cindy, For Alice, For all of us.   For Shadyside.  Now let's do this."  Deena tells them. 

Laura nods.  She was doing this for Cindy and Alice.  She was doing this to stop her brother and so her daughter wouldn't have to go through with this in the future.  

They pick up a bucket.  Deena takes a knife and starts cutting her hand  and then she clenches her hand so the blood falls down in the bucket. 

They then makes the mall ready for the monsters.  

Then when everything is done, they cut off the lights.  Laura is ready but she is also scared how she will react when she sees Nick.  

Laura crouches down with Josh and Deena.  

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