Chapter 2

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Nick turns back to Laura "I still need to find Kurt, i will see you later" Laura nods and Nick walks away

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Nick turns back to Laura "I still need to find Kurt, i will see you later" Laura nods and Nick walks away.  Laura looks up and sees that Cindy is walking towards her so Laura leaves before she can say anything because Cindy is the last person she wanna talk to. 

Laura runs to one of the cabins where you get supplies.  Laura opens the door and closes the door. She closes the door and takes a deep breath when she opens her eyes she sees Alice and Arnie making out. "Um Excuse me"  Alice pulls away from Arnie and when she sees Laura she chuckles "Well isn't Laura Goode, Princess of Sunnyvale"  Laura sighes "Shut up Alice i'm not in the mood for your shit, i have already had a crap of a day"  Alice laughs "Wow a sunnyvaler with that language. How bad could it be, you forgot your makeup"  Alice and Arnie starts laughing.   Laura scoffs "Well let's see Kurt who has been pining after me for years kissed me against my will and my ex who broke my heart  is here and i really don't wanna see them. So yeah i have had a crappy day"

Both Alice and Arnie are quiet for a second before Alice takes a step closer to Laura.  "Who is the ex?"  Laura takes a deep breath "Cindy. I... I like girls"  Alice chuckles "Don't worry I like boys and girls and Arnie doesn't mind."     Laura nods and starts walking to the door to leave but Alice takes a hold of Laura's wrist so Laura turns to look at her.  Alice smiles "I won't tell anyone and you're pretty cool for a sunnyvaler"  Laura smiles "Thank you" Before leaving Alice and Arnie to themselves. 

It was now lunch break Laura is sitting with Nick and some other Sunnyvalers when Kurt comes in all bloody and bruised.  Laura turns to Nick and looks at him shocked she whispers "What did you do?"  Nick just answers "I told you i would take care of it, no one hurts my sister" Laura sighes and turns to look at the other tables when she sees Cindy looking at her and she can't handle it so Laura stands up "I will see you later"  Nick nods and Laura leaves. 

Laura is walking back to her cabin when she hear someone shouting her name and she doesn't need to turn to know who it is.  "Walk away Cindy i don't wanna talk to you" Laura keeps walking but Cindy doesn't  "Please Laura i just wanna talk"  Now Laura turns but still keeps a distance.  "Why? YOU broke up with me, YOU left me.  Just so you could pretend to be someone you're not"  Cindy sighes "I'm not hiding anything"  Laura chuckles "Are you serious right now.  Everything you do is fake.  Do me a favor Cindy leave me alone."  Laura walks away and Cindy doesn't follow.  

Laura has been alone in her cabin for a few hours when there is a knock on the door.  She sighes and walks over and opens the door and sees Arnie and Alice.  She looks at them confused "What are you doing here?"  Alice smirks "We like you and we wanna know if you want do something fun and forget that ex of yours"  Laura smiles "Gladly"  

Laura,Alice and Arnie walks to to Nurse lane's office.  Alice and Arnie wanted some drugs, Laura didn't do that but she really wanted to do whatever to not think about Cindy.  Alice opens the door and when they walk in they see Tommy and Cindy are there too.  Alice takes a step closer to Cindy  "Look like we are here for the same thing"  Laura looks down at Cindy's hands and sees she holding a bottle with pills.  Cindy looks at Laura "What are you doing here with them?" Laura scoffs "Why do you care?"  Cindy sighes and turns to Alice "This isn't for you"  Arnie chuckles "Whoah Berman. I didn't know you were into that kind of thing" Cindy turns to him "They're not for me. I'm Giving them to the cops"   Alice scoffs "Oh yeah the cops. Yeah right of course.  No, what are you talking about are you gonna snitch on Mary now too"  Cindy doesn't know what to say and Laura scoffs.  Arnie takes the book Tommy has been holding out of his hands "This is for the cops too" Tommy tries to take it from Arnie but he throws it to Alice.  Laura chuckles and Cindy looks at her shocked but Laura just shrugs her shoulders. 

 Alice starts reading "She emerged by the meeting house  one hand severed, lost forever. We hanged the witch body chained and buried but without her hand her grip on the land holds firm"  Cindy sighes "Alice come on" Cindy tries to take the book but Alice continue reading.  "When she is near, blood will fall and the curse will last until body and hand untite"  Laura sees something is going on with Tommy but try not to think about it.  Cindy sighes "It's Mary's diary let's just put it back"  Alice smirks "It's not just a diary. It's a map"  Laura walks closer to Alice and Arnie "To Where?"  Alice chuckles "Crazy nurse Lane made  a crazy map"  Alice puts the book on one of the beds in the room.  Laura sits next to Alice.   "It's camp but it looks like she drew all over it. 1666 union"  Cindy relaises something "Union, that's Shadyside"  Alice looks at her confused "What?"  "The settlement before it was divided into Shadyside and Sunnyvale"  Cindy answers and Laura nods.   Alice looks at her "Really?"  Cindy sighes "If you went to class.."   Tommy jumps in "So the camp is built in the same place as the settlement?"   Laura shrugs "It would seem so"  Arnie looks point at the map "Look Sarah Fier"  Alice smirks "Do you think that's her horse"  "What are all the X's?" Arnie asks Alice smiles "There is only one way to find out" Alice takes the book and Cindy's bag.  Alice turns to Laura "Princess are you coming?"  Laura smiles "Yes"  Alice nods "Good, Arnie flashlight"  Alice and Arnie walks out but before  Laura can follow them Cindy stops her.  "Laura what are you doing, you can't just follow them."  Laura chuckles "I have had a pretty crappy day and Cindy you're not my girlfriend anymore so you can't tell me what to do"  Laura runs out to Alice and Arnie.   Cindy and Tommy is shortly after.  Laura don't know what's gonna happen tonight but having her ex-girlfriend with she didn't expect.  

Laura and Cindy's relationship is very angst. I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts.  

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