Chapter 2

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(Obviously Still 3rd P.O.V.)

"What was that? Hmm? You want to tell me?" Inej pesters Kaz as soon as the group arrives back at the Crow Club. Both girls and Kaz went up to the man's office/living area, Juniper only planning on changing and then going to work, seeing as the club had reopened while they were gone and Rotty was stationed behind the bar and likely messing up orders as he always did. However, Inej's exclamations pull half of her attention away.

"Be more specific." Kaz mutters, rifling through papers and files on his desk.

"It was one thing when we had at least a week to find a way across the Fold. But sunrise? We have to say no."

"No." Kaz instantly denies and Juniper chuckles silently across the room, pulling her clothes from her wardrobe and retreating behind her shade. (s8, t6, b3)

"That's a 'no to the job', no?"

"That's a 'no' to saying 'no'." His head flings up to glare at the female.

"We can't go!"

"Can't we?!"

Inej lifts her arm, showing Kaz a tattoo on her right wrist, the symbol bearing much more weight than simple ink. "I can't go."

"You will." Kaz deflates in the slightest. "I have a plan."

"No you don't." Inej pushes, surprising the girl behind the changing shade.

"Inej!" She calls, wanting to interfere in the argument but unable to, seeing as she was half dressed.

"I've worked for you long enough to know when you are still figuring things out and you don't know how to pull off this job." Inej pleads.

"I still have six hours." Kaz seethes. "And right now you aren't helping."

"Maybe you crack how to find a way across but that doesn't solve this problem, does it?!" Inej yells at Kaz as her anger overtakes her once more, shoving her wrist in his face.

"Inej." Juniper calls, stepping out from behind the shade as she pulls her hair into a high ponytail. Both the Wraith and Kaz look to the bartender. "If he can't crack this, none of us are going anywhere."

"And if he does?!" Inej turns her anger on her friend, increasing Kaz's anger.

"Then maybe you stay here!" He slams his gloved hands on the desk. Realizing what he said, he tries to compose himself, but the damage is already done.

"Maybe I won't be here when you get back." Inej says through clenched teeth, turning and fleeing the room.

"Inej!" Juniper calls, trying to follow her friend.

"Inej!" Kaz calls as well, trying to mimic Juniper's actions, only failing without his cane.

With a sigh, Juniper crosses the room to Kaz's desk, grabbing the crutch and bringing it to the male to lean on.

"She'll come around." Juniper tells her boss in an attempt to comfort him.

"How can you be so sure?" He looks down at the brunette beauty. A chuckle slips past her lips and she looks up at the male.

"She's my best friend, Kaz. I know her better than anyone. She'll be back."

Without another word, the female Fahey spins on her heel and crosses the room, aiming for the door separating them from the noise of the club below them.

"Rotty, get the hell away from my bar!" Her voice calls over the chatter just before the door shuts behind her, causing Kaz's lips to pull upwards in a miniscule smile despite the situation he's stuck in.

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