Chapter 9

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Mariah POV

So I have been with the Jack's for a week and J.J told me how he really feels about me and then asked me out... I still cant believe the boy that has been my best friend since we were kids is in love with me.... I still havent talked to Sammy and he hasnt tried to get ahold of me, but for now I am happy with J.J and he wants to be there for my baby even if it aint his....  I was ganna call Sarah latter today but it looks like she is calling me....

Phone Call with Sarah 

Hey baby mama!!! Sarah

Hey hoe, Whats up is everything ok....

Yeah everything is fine other then the fact Sammy keeps throwing shit everytime I turn around, he has broken all the glass stuff in your room Nate had to kick him out this morning..... Sarah 

What how do you know all this?

Oh I forgot the best part since you been gone me and Nate worked things out and I started moving my stuff into your guys house me and Nate or going to make things work this time... I know I should have called you but I have spent the whole week with Nate and Nate Jr.... Sarah

Thats great Im happy for you guys... I got some "News" for you too....

Should I be scared? Sarah

No but Nate wont be happy...

Why wont I be happy? Nate 

Sorry girl your brother wanted to hear your voice.... Sarah 

Its ok, But the day after I got here J.J told me he had feelings for me and then took me on a date and asked me out!!!!! 

Umm, what about Sam? Nate 

He doesnt want anything to do with me he said it all in his letter, Im not going to wait for someone that doesnt want me and the child he helped make... But know he is too busy being a dick to get his head out of his ass...

Mariah he has been going crazy his mom said that he broke everything in his room then he came over here and started breaking stuff he even started doing things to himself because in his heart he knows he messed up but his gut is telling him that this is all ok and that this is how it should be.... Mariah I miss my best friend I want my old Sammy back not the one that dosnt want to live.... Now you need to try and talk to him even if he dosnt wanna talk... I knew you were going to the Jacks and I let you go I didnt stop you but that dont mean I wont come bring your ass back home... And so what if J.J like you, your in love with Sam and everyone knows it just face the fact... YOU GUYS ARE MENT FOR EACH OTHER... And I tell you right now you let J.J play daddy to a baby that aint his I will never talk to you again... How do you think ma would feel do you think that she would want you to run away from your problems or face them head on... Because I bet you $500 that your legs look as bad as his arms do... Now I'm not ganna fight with you because I know your a smart girl and that you will do whats right and once that baby is here J.J wont stay he will want to go out and party and stuff people are age do..... Nate

Yeah well I have you go I love you Sarah..... 

Just like that I hung up the phone.... I cant believe Sam is cutting himself thats so not like him, He got so mad when he found out I was doing it...... I am scared to call him cuz I dont want him to yell at me.... But maybe Nate is right I shouldnt be with J.J..... I have to talk to him about this I got up and went back inside....

Hey J.J we need to talk!!!!


Is it bad that I heard everything that Nate said to her and I am not going to let her go so if she thinks she can just walk away from me she is crazy and Jack isnt here he went to go pick something up... I tell you she breaks up with me I will beat the shit out of her and I dont care about that baby its not mine.....

Hey J.J We need to talk!!!!

Ok, Baby is everything ok? 

Well I just got off the phone with Sarah and Nate and we were talking and they told me how Sammy was doing and it aint good Nate said that his amrm is really bad he started cutting....

Ok so what are you trying to say? 

I think that we should break, I think that its to soon for me to try and date someone... Im still not over Sammy and I dont know if I ever will be... I hope your not mad...

Haha no I'm not mad at all you stupid bitch... But your going to pay for this....

I pushed her on the floor and watched her try to get back up she back up against the wall and I started hitting her I didnt care where I hit her as long as I hit her... I heard her screaming to stop and not hurt her baby but I didnt care she made a baby with someone other then me... That is a no no.... 

Mariahs POV

I have never been so scared in my life there is nothing I can do I cant get up and I wont take my arms away from my tummy..... I tried screaming to get him to stop but its no use no one can here me and Jacks not here.... I can feel the body dripping down my face.... 


I got to the point I couldnt keep my eyes open I think I'm blacking out..... The last thing I heard was the door open then someone yell.....

A/N: So please comment and let me know what you guys think!!!!!!  


 I am going to try and do another small update and then another big one before this weekend cuz I might not be home.....


       I love you all have a great night 


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