Chapter Thirteen - "Just say the word and we'll stop."

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If you don't read one of my other stories, 'Calling All The Monsters', then you didn't see that I am a depressed bitch and depression is slowly overtaking my life. Deal with my shitty chapter, it's the best I could do.

Madeline McCall was excited to show Finn Mikaelson the thing she loved the most. Well, one of the things she loved the most. Maddie decided that she was going to start teaching the eldest Mikaelson how to dance and she wanted to start with the easiest type of dance that she knew. It was slow and calm, a type of dance that required you to only move your feet.

Which is how the strawberry blonde girl found herself in the Mikaelson Manor, stood in the big empty ballroom with yoga pants and a sports bra, facing Finn who stood in sweatpants and a plain shirt.

"Okay, are you ready?" Maddie asked excitedly, bouncing on the heels of her feet.

"I still don't know what we're doing," Finn said, smiling at her excitement.

"I'm teaching you how to dance!" Madeline exclaimed. "I told you, you need something to tie you to your humanity, and this is something that helps tie me to mine. I thought we'd give it a go."

"Alright, how do we start?" Finn asked her, ready to try anything as long as it was with her.

"We're starting with a classic 'waltz' because I think it's the easiest to get started," Maddie said as she walked closer to one of her Soulmates. "Okay, put your hands here... And here."

The McCall girl put his hands on her body in their correct places. Finn was a little hesitant with his hands on her body, but Madeline happily took a step closer, so their chests were practically touching.

She was slightly surprised by how easy it was for her to touch him and get close to him considering she's still used to tensing when in Elijah or Nik's presence. But perhaps it was due to her being the one to initiate the actions that it made it easier for her. Or perhaps it was just because he himself was so timid in her presence, much like she was when she first met his brothers.

Finn looked up at the strawberry blonde, who smiled when their eyes met. The Original vampire couldn't help but smile back at her and relax, seeing how calm and at ease she was despite being so close to him.

"Okay, so you step forward and I'll step back," Maddie told him.

He took a step forward, but he ended up stepping on her toes as he used the wrong foot. Maddie muttered out a small 'ow', despite it not actually hurting much, and Finn immediately looked guilty.

"Sorry. Sorry." Finn quickly rushed out, making sure she was okay.

"No, it's alright, that's my fault. I should have told you which foot to step with." Madeline shook him off with a small, breathy chuckle.

Hearing her laugh, the eldest Mikaelson sibling relaxed once more and nodded. He smiled slightly while Maddie got herself ready to go again.

"Use your other foot this time, okay?" Madeline told him.

"Okay." Finn nodded, still not fully understanding what they were doing.

Madeline took a step backwards and Finn took a step forward. The strawberry blonde smiled and nodded as they joined their feet together once more.

"Okay, good. Now, step to the side with your right foot." The McCall girl told him, which he did despite his posture and movement being stiff. "Okay, now join your feet together and switch the weight. Now you're gonna go back with your right foot and then to the side with your left foot."

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