Chapter Five - "I might seem like a handful sometimes, but I don't mean to."

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The next two days had gone by relatively quickly, with Elijah teaching her compulsion and spending a lot of time with her mates. Poor Madeline still couldn't master compulsion, which saddened her greatly because she had heard Damon constantly say that compulsion was the easiest trick in the vampire book and yet she just couldn't do it. After school, Madeline was picked up by Elijah and they went straight to the woods, with Elijah teaching her for a good couple of hours until they went back to the mansion for some food, which was where they were going now. But Madeline's head was beginning to fill with doubt and shame, would her mates still like her after they realise how useless she is? Would they want a mate who has no idea what she's doing?

Elijah could feel the worry and doubt filling his mate, which made him grow concerned for her wellbeing. Since they completed the mate bond by them feeding off each other, the bond only grew the more time she spent with them, which was how Elijah was beginning to feel what Madeline felt, just like Klaus was.

The noble Original knew that Maddie was something else, but alas he had no clue. Maybe if he knew what else she was, he would be able to help her better and she wouldn't be feeling the way she was now and neither of them would have to suffer. Elijah knew her insecurities, so he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, bringing her into a side hug as they walked closer towards the mansion that felt so familiar to the McCall girl. Madeline sighed into the hug, feeling slightly more relaxed but she still couldn't help but worry that she was annoying Elijah with her problems, and he was only frustrated that Maddie couldn't complete the simplest of tasks. However, Madeline was very wrong in her thinking, because Elijah loved helping her and teaching her new tricks that she couldn't do before because he loved watching her grow. He would never get tired of helping her or frustrated at her, and neither would Niklaus but her insecurities from being with Bryan were still very prominent.

As the two vampire mates entered the Mikaelson Mansion, Niklaus had been waiting for them inside. They normally arrived back at that time, and because he could feel his mates worries, he decided to greet her at the door. Upon seeing Nik, Maddie smiled slightly, not as bright as normal but it was still there.

"Hello, Love. Did you have a good session?" Nik asked, already knowing the answer but wanting to see if she would lie.

"It was fine," Maddie shrugged, moving out of Elijah's arms and towards the kitchen.

Both brothers shared a look before following her, watching as she opened the fridge to take a blood bag out of it. She hesitantly took a sip, still not used to drinking just human blood but slowly getting better and stronger with it.

"We were thinking of going out for dinner, how does that sound?" Nik asked gently, looking at her face for any sign of emotion.

"Sounds good." Maddie shrugged again, slowly drinking from the bag in her hand. "But I can't stay out too late, my dad will be back home in a few hours."

"We won't be too long, it's only the Grill," Nik told her.

"We can invite Caroline if you'd like?" Elijah asked, knowing how Caroline relaxes the smaller McCall girl.

Madeline shrugged again, looking down at the blood bag, watching it become emptier the more she drank. This reply worried the brothers more than they already were, since normally whenever Caroline was mentioned, Maddie would light up and beam at the both of them. Niklaus pulled out his phone as he walked out of the kitchen and began to message Caroline, asking to meet them at the Grill because Maddie needed her while Elijah walked closer to his mate.

"Please, my dear, do not lie to us. How are you really feeling?" Elijah asked, his face showing concern for the McCall girl.

Madeline looked up at her mate, seeing the true emotion on his face and being able to hear it in his voice. She thought for a moment, thinking about whether she should lie or not but the hesitation in her reply was enough to tell Elijah what she was feeling.

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