Chapter Seven - "Maddie! Talk to your boyfriends."

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A laughing echoed throughout her head as she felt a burning sensation all over her body. She tried to scream, she really wanted to, but nothing would come out. There was just the sound of her sizzling flesh and some male voice laughing maniacally at her misery. Her whole body felt like it was on fire, and there was no escaping it.

I'm gonna die.

I'm gonna die.

I'm gonna die...

Madeline gasped awake, the sound of her beeping alarm waking her from her slumber. Sweat stuck her hair to her forehead and her wide eyes darted around the room as she grabbed her duvet tightly, trying to ground herself to the room she's in. Her loud and erratic heartbeat could be heard in her ears, even without her enhanced hearing.

She took a few deep breaths to calm herself. She was safe, she was at home. Maddie wasn't with the wolves anymore.

After a few more deep breathes, Madeline finally noticed that she was alone in her bed. Her heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach when realising her mates had left. Maybe they didn't really want to stay, did staying with me annoy them? She began to question them and herself, until she noticed a small piece of paper on her bedside table.

Madeline reached over and picked up the small note, seeing it was from her mates which caused herself to relax.

We heard your father come home last night, we thought it would be best if he didn't find you in bed with two strange men. Call one of us when you wake up so we know you're okay.

Love, Nik and Elijah.

The strawberry blonde smiled at the note, the bad and insecure thoughts already leaving her mind. The only question now was where Caroline-

Her thoughts were interrupted by her bedroom door swinging open, the blonde vampire walking in with a tray of food. Caroline saw that Maddie was awake and pouted, wanting to surprise her but that expression changed when she noticed how sweaty she was.

"You okay?" She asked, placing the tray down on her set of drawers.

Caroline walked over to Maddie, sitting next to her and cupping her cheek with one hand and trying to move some of her hair from her forehead with the other. The strawberry blonde smiled at the affection but gently pushed her friends' hands away.

"I'm fine... I just had a nightmare." Madeline told her truthfully.

The baby blonde vampire hesitated, giving her a look over to make sure she was really okay. When she was satisfied, Caroline beamed up at her best friend.

"Okay then. Go have a shower, and we can enjoy this delicious breakfast I prepared for us." The blonde said, ushering the younger girl off the bed.

"Okay, okay. I'm going." Maddie laughed at her, manoeuvring around the room so she could leave and use the main bathroom to shower.

When she left, Caroline picked up a strawberry from the tray and pulled out her phone as she bit into it. She saw a few texts from Tyler, still trying to apologise but she ignored them. She saw two from Stefan, which made her curious, but they were just asking her how she and Madeline were doing after everything that happened the night before. There was one from her mother, telling her to have fun at the McCall house, to which she replied with a simple thumbs-up emoji. There was one from Elena, that made her furrow her eyebrows. She was wishing her well and asking if they could talk after she got back from her parents' cabin, so Caroline ignored it.

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