Chapter Six - "They will tear you into pieces for this!"

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I hope that this chapter makes up for the lack of excitement last chapter!

It had been a week since Madeline had found Jules after looking through any and all social media platforms for a few hours. It had been six days since she had confirmed her being in Masons old pack and sent her the message that would hopefully bring her and the pack to Mystic Falls. The McCall girl had Elijah write the note, because if her plan did work, she couldn't risk Jules showing someone the letter and have them recognise her handwriting. During that week, she had finally learned how to compel people, even though she had said she wouldn't compel anyone unless it was absolutely necessary as she didn't like the idea of altering someone's mind. It had only taken her three more days for her to figure out, so they moved onto controlling her bloodlust as she was new to human blood. But surprisingly, Madeline already had very good control and she managed to keep herself from sinking her fangs into many bleeding humans that Elijah had brought to her. After she had learned that basic vampire skill, Elijah and Niklaus had both decided that the best thing for her to learn right now, is how to fight. The strawberry blonde was only two sessions in, but it was clear she had a very long way to go before she would be ready to fight someone in an actual battle.

For now, however, Madeline was sitting in the Mikaelson mansion, on their very expensive and elegant couch with her legs crossed but facing Nik, who was sitting in the armchair next to the sofa. In his hands he held a stack of flashcards that the McCall girl had made, reading out the questions that were elegantly written and listening to her answer every single one of them correctly.

The strawberry-blonde had made the flashcards before starting her freshman year, as she wanted to get a head start in all of her subjects, as well as some of her own extracurricular activities, such as learning Latin or mythology. When the flashcards were written, the I's were dotted with hearts and the question marks also had a heart at the bottom, instead of a dot. Each flashcard had small drawings on them that linked to the question, as Madeline had gotten bored and wanted to make them more interesting to look at. Each card was done on pastel coloured paper, each colour representing different subjects. Pastel blue was physics, pastel green (more of a mint green) was biology, pastel pink was chemistry, pastel purple was history, etc. In Nik's hand, he held some blue flashcards, as Madeline had a physics test coming up in class in the upcoming week and she needed to make sure she was prepared.

Niklaus enjoyed helping her, even though she hardly needed it as she was answering every question correctly, but it helped ease her mind.

"I coil up a thin piece of microwire and place it in a glass of water. Then I turn on the electricity and measure to see if the water's temperature is affected. How do I measure the electrical power going into the coil?" The soon-to-be-Hybrid asked his mate.

"Measure the current and PDs in an ammeter and a voltmeter," Madeline answered without a moment of hesitation.

"Correct. Two identical strips of nylon are charged with static electricity and hung from a string so they can swing freely. What would happen if they were brought near each other?"

"They'd repel each other because they have the same charge." The strawberry blonde once again answered.

"Correct." Nik smiled proudly before moving onto the next question. "How do you travel faster than light?"

This question made Madeline pause for a moment, and Nik could see her mind moving rapidly to think of the correct answer. After a few moments, she said, "by opening a quantum tunnel with an FTL factor of thirty-six-point seven recurring."

"Correct, again," Klaus said, making the McCall girl smile widely. "Are you sure you need to go through all of these, My Love?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I need to make sure I keep my A+ streak." Madeline told him. "I've never gotten anything below an A in my entire high school career."

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