Chapter Ten - "They would rather die than ever hurt you like Bryan did."

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Madeline McCall walked into school the next morning feeling... Down. She knew deep down she shouldn't feel that way, after all it was her that was in the wrong, not her father. But still, she couldn't help the sadness that overtook her whenever she thought about how angry her father looked last night. Her father never yelled at her, and the moment he did last night, all she wanted to do was collapse into a ball and admit everything to him. How she was a vampire, how Caroline was a vampire, how she has vampire soulmates. Yet she didn't. She knew she couldn't, not yet. Her father was so angry at her, he would only think she's lying and if she'd proved it to him, he'd have run off scared. And Madeline couldn't handle that.

If Nathan ever looked scared of his daughter, it just might kill Maddie.

And because of all these thoughts running a marathon in her head, she didn't even go to see Caroline that day at her locker like normal. Instead, the strawberry blonde simply went to her own locker and then class. Maddie didn't have any classes with the blonde until after lunch, so Madeline could avoid her up until then. She knew Caroline would ask questions and Maddie was afraid that if she started talking about last night, she'd only burst into tears.

The strawberry blonde barely paid any attention to her classes that morning. Her mind kept wandering back to the night before and the argument with her dad as well as the horrendous nightmare she had last night. Madeline couldn't even think about the sacrifice due to happen tomorrow, or the drawings she had done that they all assumed was of that night. And honestly, Maddie felt stupid for it.

Tomorrow night, there was going to be a great, big sacrifice. This sacrifice would determine whether or not she met the rest of her mates that month and it was the last barrier between Nik and his true Hybrid self. A friend she's had since childhood would die in that sacrifice, a horrible and painful death. And yet here Madeline was, worried about her and her dad's fight.

What a stupidly, foolish thing to worry about in this moment of time.

However, as Madeline sat in her psychology lesson that morning, her mind thought back to her nightmare and not the sacrifice that would determine her mate's happiness.


Maddie was back here. Again. In the caravan of the wolves, being tortured and beaten by the pack she had brought to town. Madeline didn't remember getting there, she only remembered screaming and the burning of her flesh due to the vervain. She was in immense pain, and there was nothing she could do to escape it.

The strawberry blonde could hear Brady and Jules's laughter, the joyous sounds only being overshadowed by her cries. The McCall girl felt a sudden sharp pain in her neck, and she knew it came from the small wooden darts that Brady had shot into her neck the first time. They must have also been soaked in vervain because she could feel and hear the sizzle and burning of her skin which only increased her pain.

A part of her knew it was a dream... It had to be. Elijah and Nik had taken care of Jules and Brady. Of course she was dreaming.

But it felt so real.

Then suddenly, the pain stopped. The laughing stopped. Her cries stopped.

Madeline opened her eyes to see she was in her house. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked down at herself, seeing that she was no longer covered in blood or healing burns. She seemed fine.

"Maddie? Peanut?" A voice spoke up.

Madeline looked up and saw her father walking into the living room. He seemed... Concerned for her. She didn't know why, and she didn't question it. She simply smiled at the man.

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