Chapter 4

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They are super lazy in this chapter because idk what to write okayyy 🥲

𝗜𝘇𝘂𝗸𝘂 𝗣𝗢𝗩

Today started off.....What's the word for it...weird ?? I don't know but Kacchan claimed his legs were broken from standing yesterday even though he barely stood up so he stayed in bed until noon, right now I'm just watching the fresh prince of bell air on TV. (I recommend that show it's really funny) As I was watching TV I heard footsteps coming from the stairs, I looked at the stairs and saw a sleepy Kacchan walking down. He walked into the living room and sat down next to my on the couch and layed his head on my shoulder. "Does your legs feel better?" No response. I look at him to see that he's asleep. 'How is he still tired?' I thought to myself. I just leave it alone and finish watching TV.

3 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟

Its been a few hours and I'm still watching TV but I'm watching a show on Netflix called Lucifer. (Once again I recommend its really good.) Just while the episode was ending Kacchan started to wake up. He sat up and started rubbing his eyes. Once he was fully awoke he stared at me for a couple of seconds before speaking up. "What time is it?"

"9 o'clock" I responded

"Mm ok"

Is what he said before laying back down. "Kacchan don't you think you should eat something?" He just shook his head before doing good knows what. He could he sleep but I'm too focused on the tv to look.

2 𝐡𝗼𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 (I just realized Katsuki slept like the whole day- IDK OKAY😭😭)

Its been like 2 hours and I'm getting pretty tired so I turn the TV off and check to see if Katsuki is still awake. "Kacchan are you awake?"  "Barely...."  "Ok then, I'm going upstairs, don't fall asleep on the couch because you could get neck cramps, it's really-" Kacchan cut me off before I could start rambling, which was kind of a good thing. "Ok ok I get it geez." I then got up and cleaned my mess off of the couch and went upstairs. I went to my room and walked over to my closet to get some clothes, I picked out an all might shirt and sweat pants and changed into them. After I finished changing I walked over to my bed and layed down and turned on the TV(dude STOP WATCHING TV). Just like 10 minutes ago I could of sworn I was tired but I guess I'm not now. As I was scrolling through Hulu Kacchan walked into my room and walked over to my bed and layed down next to me, he didn't even say anything to me but next thing I hear is soft snores. I guess he was really sleepy. After a couple minutes I started feeling kind of sleepy so I turned off the TV and put my phone on the charger and started to drift off.

The next day

I woke up kind of early today, it was only 7 PM and Kacchan was still asleep. I decided to just watch TV. After a couple minutes Kacchan woke up, he didn't sleep in today wow. "Goodmorning Kacchan"  "Morning..."  He says. "Deku what the hell is this crap your watching?" Kacchan says while making a weird face at the TV, it's a show called Nailed it, I guess the cakes look pretty terrible. "Something on Netflix.." "Not the answer I was looking for but whatever." he says while laying back down. "Kacchan are you hungry?"  "No"  "You have to eat, you haven't eaten for a whole day. "  "I don't care I'm not hungry"  "Ok then.. " I said before going back to watching TV. Kacchan got up and left, I guess he went down stairs.

A couple minutes later

It's been a few minutes and I'm hearing noises from down stairs, I don't know what it is but it isn't Kacchan because he knows not to be too loud because the neighbors complain wayyyy too much. It's usually just that old couple who likes peace and quiet, you never hear noises coming from their house when going up there. I got up and went to check out what it was, and it turns out it was just the TV, which Kacchan had up super high. "Kacchan why is the TV so loud?! The neighbors are gonna complain!" I whisper-yelled. "It's not even that loud Deku."

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