Chapter 5

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Izuku POV

Well today was certainly weird. For starters, I couldn't get a good rest because Kacchan was snoring extra loudly, louder than before. So I had to sleep on the couch. I woke up with a cramp in my leg because the couch is sooooooo uncomfy. Anyway skipping forward, Kacchan actually woke up before me and made breakfast... but only for himself, rude! He told me to doordash because I'm 'rich' but the thing is, I'm completely broke! I've been doordashing wayyy too much and I'm completely broke now. So I had to eat cereal.


Kacchans mom, aunty Mitsuki was going to come get him for a special day out I guess,so I would be alone today. I'm planning on just cleaning the whole house for fun, because even when Kacchan cleans up his mess, he doesn't do it the way me or mom does. So if mom gets back to a 'dirty' house, she's gonna kill me and Kacchan.

Well right now I'm helping Kacchan choose an outfit while he's in the shower. I had to beg him to let me choose his outfit because his style is... eh. Anyway I chose a grey t-shirt and black push pants. Beautiful, I know.

When he got out of the shower and changed, I had to stop myself from staring at his hot a-

Moving on, we were both sitting on the couch drinking capri suns because who doesn't like those?? Then there was a knock at the door, so I'm guessing it was aunty.

I went to open the door, and not surprisingly, it was her.

"Hey Izuku! *GASP* last time I saw you, you were so short! I didn't know you could grow so fast in 3 months!"

I chuckled and nervously scratched the back of my neck while smiling sheepishly at her. Then Kacchan scoffed from behind me and walked out, he waved at me and I waved back.

"Bye Kacchan, Aunty!"

"Bye Izuku!"

I wasn't really expecting a reply back from Kacchan, so when I heard him say 'Bye nerd' I was surprised.

I closed the door and locked it before going to the kitchen. I was gonna clean later, but first--

I know Kacchan is gonna come back complaining about how he'd never go with her again, even though he does it every year on spring break. So I decided to make some dessert. I was thinking of Hanami dango, but I have no idea how to make it. So Taro mochi it is!

Time skip because idk how to explain cooking scenes-

I finished at about 9:20, I still had a lot of time before Kacchan gets back, so I put the mochi in the fridge and went to clean. First I cleaned the Kitchen,then living room, then the bathroom downstairs, and bla bla bla this is boring.

So anyway I was cleaning my room when I realized something. I need to do laundry!! I hate doing laundry, but I guess I have no choice now.

I looked at my bin, which was full of dirty clothes, so now I better wash them.

2 hours later

It's been 2 hours, right now I'm eating instant ramen because I have no idea on how to cook anything other than microwave food.

Anyways Kacchan should be back by now aaaand- I just heart the doorbell. The door is unlocked.. which isn't a good thing but anyway-

"Whatcha eating Deku?" I yelped in surprise. I didn't know he was right there, I didn't even hear the door open-

"Um ramen.." Kacchan nodded and sat down next to me, opening a box of pizza I didn't know was there. It was pepperoni and it looked like it had bacon on it too. Ewww

He took a slice and ate it while I watched in disgust. How could someone eat something like that 🤢


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