Chapter 7

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No one POV

Katsuki woke up super early (4 AM) and he wasn't feeling to well, he had a stomach ache from all the junk he ate last night. And was probably sick. He went to the kitchen to get some food, but instead of getting food he got a half eaten bag of sour cream &onion chips and a glass of apple juice, he went back to the living room to eat his chips and watch a show called Business Proposal.

After about 1  hour of watching TV Katsuki was fast asleep, the TV was still on playing business proposal.

Izuku POV

I woke up in a light mood. I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and hair. I heard the TV on down stairs so that's where I went. When I got into the living room I saw Kacchan asleep on the couch and the TV was still playing. Kacchan literally looks like he's dead. His face is so pale. I lay him down so he isn't sitting up, and put the blanket over him. The I grab my house key and put my shoes on to get some medicine for Kacchan, so I went to a store called rite aid.

After the store trip because idk what medicine cures sickness 🤷‍♀️

I walk upstairs with a spoon and [insert medicine name] for Kacchan. When I go to the living room I see that Kacchan isn't there.

No one POV

Izuku walks into the bathroom and find Katsuki puking into the toilet. He walks up to Katsuki and pats his back to help get out whatever he ate. "Kacchan how did you get sick" "I don't *cough* know idiot" Katsuki replies. Izuku sighs and helps Katsuki up and took him back to his room and layed him down on the bed. "Your sick so you need to stay in bed, if you need anything just call for me. " Izuku then walked out of the room and went into the guest room. He was still tired to he went to sleep.

When Izuku woke up he got out of bed and went to check on Katsuki. But he came to a halt when he smelled food down stairs, he only came to one conclusion. Katsuki was down stairs cooking, and not in bed. He walked downstairs and went into the kitchen where he found Katsuki sitting on the counter eating vegetable soup. "Kacchan why are you out of bed?" "I was hungry and you didn't reply when I called your name. " Katsuki replied. "Oh, makes sense, I was asleep" Katsuki finished his soup and put his bowl into the sink. He went to the fridge and pulled out apple juice and drunk right out of the carton. Izuku brought it for him anyway. "Kacchan why are you drinking out of the carton, you could have got a cup. " "Whatever." Katsuki replied and put the top back on the apple juice and went back upstairs.

Eventually it became noon. Izuku was sitting in his bed whilst Katsuki takes a shower. He slept for a long time, and wasn't sleepy now.

Katsuki finished his shower and walked back into Izuku's room and layed in bed with him. Since Katsuki was sick, he had to take a cold shower (that's what I do when I'm sick) so he was really cold.

When Izuku and Katsuki woke up it was already night. Meaning they had only slept for four hours. Izuku was still very tired but he knew he had to take care of Katsuki. "Kacchan are you hungry?" "Yeah, very. " Katsuki replied back, still half asleep but also very hungry. Izuku nodded and got out of bed and went downstairs. He wasn't the best cook so he tried his best to make some food for Katsuki.

Izuku ended up ordering subway. After all, he didn't know how to make anything other than simple sandwiches. When the food came Izuku placed it on a plate and took it upstairs, along with a glass of apple juice. When got back to his room he found Katsuki sleeping. He looked like he was dead. Izuku placed the food and drink on his night stand and gently shook Katsuki to wake him up. Katsuki slowly opened his eyes, confused as to why Izuku woke him up. "Why did you wake me?" Katsuki said, he was still very tired so the words came out slurred. "I got you some food, you can go back go sleep after you eat. You haven't eaten in hours. " Izuku said, sitting on the bed. Katsuki sat up and looked on the night stand, he saw a sandwich, well, only half, and apple juice. "Why is there only half of a sandwich..? Katsuki asked. "Because I figured you wouldn't eat a whole lot, but if your still hungry I'll give you the other half. " Izuku replied. Katsuki nodded then picked up the sandwich and proceeded to eat it.

After Katsuki finished his sandwich and half his apple juice he immediately went back to sleep. Izuku grabbed the empty plate and half full glass. He walked back downstairs into the kitchen and put the plate in the sink and dumped the remaining apple juice in the sink and put the glass cup in there aswell. He them washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen before heading back upstairs to take a shower then head to sleep. Izuku was tired, very tired.

After his shower he walked back into his room and layed next to Katsuki. Katsuki. Immediately reacted to his touch and moved closer to Izuku, still fast asleep. Izuku then fell asleep after s couple minutes.

A/n sorry for the long wait, also if there are any misspelt words feel free to correct me <3

Also whenever I'm sick I'm never vocal about it so I always have to take care of myself so sorry if any of these things in the story aren't what a normal sick person would do. Bye!

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