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"Come here, (Y/N)," Yoongi hummed, sitting on the sofa and patting the space next to him.

"Yoongi, babe I'd love to but you know we don't have that much time left. If I don't get the train tomorrow, I'm screwed."

"(Y/N). Come. Here."

You blinked, staring for a moment before mumbling and going over, standing in front of him, a light squeal let out when you were pulled onto the sofa to sit down next to him after. "What is it?"


"Huh?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

He must be kidding.

"Talk? About what? Yoongi I don't have time." You were about to get up when he instead pulled you onto his lap after, holding you tight to him.

"I said talk." He looked up into your eyes before smiling, "You're quite small, you know."

"Wow thanks," You giggle slightly. "I'm fine, babyboy. Just busy. Let's pack!"

"No. Miss your train tomorrow, I'll pay for a place for you and your mum to stay at right next to our dorms for years if you want. But I'm not letting you go without letting all you're feelings out."

"Feelings..." You couldn't help but feel you're fake smile wasn't as convincing anymore, "W-What feelings..."

"Maybe, those?" He watched as tears started to swell up in your eyes but they were all gone with a blink of an eye. Quite literally a blink of an eye. "Look, (Y/-"

You're face was suddenly flooded with tears, they fell down your face as you tried to quickly wipe them away. When he held onto your hands to stop you from trying to cover your face, you immediately squinted to make yourself stop crying.

He chuckled and you mumbled, "What," Your cheeks were flushed pink.

"You're tears are remind me of a tsunami. There's a warning, the water disappears and pulls back, then suddenly it pours out and destroys every little thing around it~"

"I-Is that good..?" You sniffle, "Sounds bad..."

"Very bad~" Yoongi's eyes were wide "The little thing you're destroying is my heart!"

You let out a laugh, "Where'd you get that line from, Yoonie?"

"Your little boyfriend, that's who."

You smile at the thought of Jimin before pouting, "I won't see him for ages now."

"What do you mean? He'll still be there until late at night. You have time to visit this evening."

"Baby, I really don't think I'm strong enough mentally to see him right now without breaking down."

Yoongi was confused, if you didn't visit him today, who knows when the next time will be. You're moving out of the city completely. Who knows when Jimin would next be free and have the time in his schedule to visit you again.

"If you break... He'll fix you. That's what a relationship should be like."

"Not right now, I need to be fixing him but I just can't. I'll just end up breaking him more." You shook your head and stood up. "Plus, I have to make sure mum's okay."

The subject changed and for now Yoongi just let the topic go. "Why can't she just go back to where she was again?"

"Can't afford the care home anymore."

"Easy! I can pay-"

"No, Yoongi, it's fine." You smiled weakly at him, "We can do it alone."

"(Y/N), I just want to help, I'd be more than happy to help you guys. You know that."

"Help all you want, babe. But we're not a charity case, you know. To just need the money as help."

He stayed quiet, "I didn't mean it like that..."

"I know, we can figure it out though, Yoongi. Don't worry. Plus I think it's time for a change of scenery for mum." You hum, "It'll be fine."

"Let's finish this off," He finally stood up too, "I'll be there to send you off tomorrow, Kiddo."

"Will Jimin be there?" You nonchalantly put out.

"Do you want him to be?"

"Maybe..." You giggle again, "I wouldn't mind a goodbye kiss."

"Have you guys even had a kiss?" Yoongi scoffed, chuckling slightly.

You went pink, quiet.

"Oh my god you horny fuckers..." His mouth gaped open.

"We weren't horny! It was just a kiss! An innocent kiss!"

"Nothing is innocent with Park Jimin's lips, you sinner. Even look into his eyes for too long and you'll fall in love. Under his spell. But those lips~ Will have you under him."

You gasped, blush deepening, "I'm not going under Park Jimin!"

"You wish you were." He laughed, looking around before pointing to some of the lacy underwear scattered on the floor beside the bed that you thought had been hidden from his sight. "Maybe wearing those too."

"Oh god! Okay that's enough, Min Yoongi get out!" You tried to push him, burning up while he just continued to laugh.

"Okay okay sorry!" He ruffled your hair, "It was wrong for me to say that, Kiddo."

"Hm... Thank you." You grumble, turning around, embarrassed.

"You'd want him taking that underwear off you instead!"


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