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You could hear the screams in the concert from backstage, actually the fans could be heard from the local train station and town too.

They eventually died down as the concert ended, you stood in the back waiting for your boyfriend to come back from stage. You stood there with a towel and a cool water bottle in your hand.

The blonde haired puppy looking boy ran back from stage, covered in sweat, hair drenched from Yoongi spilling water on him and clothes sticking to him awkwardly.

But as always, he still looked perfect.

You gave him the waterbottle as he stood in front of you, catching his breath and kneeling down slightly so you can wipe the sweat off his forehead with the towel. "How was it?"

"Amazing..." He breathed out, taking another drink of the water before undoing the buttons of his shirt. "Let's go back... I need to relax..."

You led him back to his changing room whilst your boyfriend backhugged you tight with his chin resting comfortably on your shoulder. "Is it just me or are you getting prettier every time I see you~?"

You flushed pink, rolling your eyes, "Definitely just you."

He always tried different pick up lines on you after a concert, he was always different after them too. As if he was in a state of pure joy, nothing could ruin it.

"(Y/N)~" He called, lying down on the sofa in the room, his chest was still raising up high as he started to finally catch his breath. "Take this off me.."

You couldn't help but smile at his childish whines, going over and doing exactly as he said; you took out his ear peice and mic, you took off his shoes and undid the rest of the buttons on his shirt.

The boy smiled gratefully and pulled you down ontop of him suddenly, "I have the best girlfriend~"

"What? Because I act like your little house wife after concerts?"

He laughed and shook his head, "No~ Because you love mee~!"

"Everyone in this damn entire stadium loves you, Park Jimin," You hummed, kissing his nose. "You're finding it harder than usual to breathe, baby. Do you want your inhaler?"

You made a move to stand up but the boy quickly pulled you back against him, this time hovering over you on the sofa, shaking his head, "I don't need that to catch my breath... Just give me yours."

And with that extremely cringey comment, his lips entranced your own in a deep spell, kissing you passionately as a hand rested at your hip, the other beside your head.

"How did I get so lucky..." You mumbled, pulling him closer.

"Lucky? If anyone's lucky," He starts to slide his hand up slowly underneath your top as he speaks, "It's me."

Suddenly, you shiver as the cold air hits your bare skin, realising the boy had quickly taken your shirt off already.

When you looked up, he was taking his own off too, so obviously eager and his eyes darkening every second with a burst of lust. "Baby-

"Jimin! Did I leave my charge-" Namjoon walked in, freezing instantly at the sight, "Were you two-"

"OUT! HYUNG!" Jimin flopped onto you immediately to cover your body from the member's view. His whole weight was on you but you were used to it now, he did it a lot.

"Oh my god... This is so embarrassing," Your cheeks burnt a bright red, it wasn't long before the colour deepened when Taehyung showed up behind the leader.

"Jiminah! You took my mic!" He whined, walking in past Namjoon, pausing to process the scene then continuing to whine, "Where'd you put it?!"

The blonde's eyes widened, "Tae! I'm in the middle of something! GET OUT!"!

"Wait till I tell BangPD about my mic," He huffs, going up to his best friend, flicking his forehead before shooting you a cute boxy smile then leaving.


"He left quicker than I thought," Your boyfriend hummed, "So let's continue!


"No interruptions this time... We kiss, we make out, we fuck then go home, eat ramen and cuddle to sleep in each other's arms," He giggled then kissed you again, hands cupping your face this time.


"Yah! Why are you saying his name now?!" The boy gasped.

"He's still watching, dumbass!"

"Wha- HYUNG!"

Joon simply laughed sheepishly then walked out, "Don't stay here too late! You might get locked in!"

You paused, "Locked in?"

"Fucking in the middle of a stadium doesn't seem that bad, babe..."

"Park Jimin!"

A/N- lets just say the stadium ended up very loud and occupied that night😃

this book is so deprived of acc relationship shit i swear

trust me to write a book like this about a relationship and for it to never acc happen ;-;

idky i started this book tbh :")

idky i started this book tbh :")

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