𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 - 𝙟.𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙩

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Mentions of not eating


Schlatt never wanted anything other then her. He didn't want to become what he did, and now he had to live with the consequences. The one person he loved was scared of him, being honest, he was to.

Schlatt spent his days watching her live in fear, she barley ate. No matter how many times he tried to fix himself, and be better for her he always went back to the way she hated. Short tempered, cocky, and arrogant. He would give anything to have his lover back. He missed the way she'd laugh at his bad jokes, or the praise she would give him for something so small such as making dinner for them.

He blames it on the pressure his presidency has put on him. But he knows deep down it's just him, theirs no one to blame but him.

Like every other day, he walked to office, without a trace of her being in the White House he had built for them. Hours passed, Quackity came like always to catch him up on daily events. But something came that normally didn't. A quite, soft knock at the door.

"Come in." Schlatt called, the door opened quietly. He saw her, she was skinner then ever. She had stopped joining him for dinner a few weeks ago. "y/n?" He asked quietly. "Schlatt I'm sorry-." She started apologizing but their was nothing to apologize for. "No, baby no." He shook his head and got up from his desk, he walked around to her. "Iv been a Jack ass, to say the least." He said, he wanted nothing more then to hug her, tell her he'll change. But he didn't touch her, he wanted to show her he was going to change. This was his opportunity.

"I acted like I didn't care but I do, y/n. I care so much. Iv been worried to death, scared you hated me, because I hated myself. I hated what iv done to you. You didn't deserve any of this." He said, following his words was silence, pure quite. He didn't need her to respond but he wanted her to. He wanted to hear something, but what he felt was something he enjoyed much more.

He felt her jump and hug him. "It's ok." She whispered in his ear. "I promise I'll change. I'll do anything." He said, he hadn't noticed he was crying. "Schlatt I love you, I trust you." She said, he just held her tighter. "I love you more y/n, I love you so fucking much." He said, she started to loosen her grip on him and he sadly did the same.

"Are you busy?" She asked. "Not anymore." He said, she gave him a small smile. "Can we walk around the court yard?" She asked. "If that's what you want." He smiled at the girl. So that's what the two did.

Schlatt passed Quackity and told him that anything unanswered today is going to stay unanswered, for a mental health day.

He walked down the courtyard making small conversation with the woman he loved, he laughed as the two put flowers in each other's hair. y/n wrapped vines around schlatts horns, which would be a pain to get off later, but was cute in the moment. He splashed her with water, so to make a point she jumped into the fountain, pulling Schlatt with her, causing the two to enter a laughing fit.

When the two normally had dinner, she was hesitant but Schlatt was persistent that she ate something. In return, she would eat if he didn't have a glass of wine. It was fair request, one glass turns to a bottle to quickly with Schlatt.

The two continued to do small things like this, one thing that Schlatt was quick to rekindle was y/n sitting next to him while he worked. It kept him grounded, reminded him why he did this. y/n didn't mind either, nothing gave her more joy then correcting an error he made and the little 'oh yeah' me made, before correcting the mistake. It never failed to make her laugh.

Their were still things that made the two nervous, like when Schlatt would buy her a gift, y/n immediately felt guilty. Or when she went out shopping with Schlatt, trying in clothes made her very nervous. She would constantly get in her own head about little things, but Schlatt was their to come her down.

Whenever someone saw the two, their was no question that the two were in love. Schlatt would do anything for her, and she knew that. But the two didn't care about anything of it, they all they wanted.

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