𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙚 - 𝙩𝙚𝙘𝙝𝙣𝙤𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙙𝙚

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content warning
-needy reader

Dream smp


Snow fell outside the window as y/n was cuddled up in polar bear fur, informs of the fire, with a hot chocolate in hand. Techno had been out a little longer then normal, then again he said meetings with Dream and DreamXD can take longer then he normally expected. But dragging on a week seemed.. excessive. Even for Dream.

y/n wanted nothing more then to here the clunck of his boots, and the rings of the gold that covered his hands, neck, and ears. But nothing but the calls of phantoms, the same ones Techno would chase away knowing the deep rooted fear she had of them. She wanted to trace his scars at night again only to here his gruff voice telling him to stop because he was secretly ticklish.

But her hot chocolate, fur blanket, and book kept her company. For the seventh day in a row..

Apolo cuddled up next to her and nuzzled his way underneath the fur, missing his dad as he whimpered. "I know boy, but he'll come back. He always does." She patted the dogs head and began reading her book once again.

Seconds ticked by, minutes passed, and hours dragged on.

Still nothing.

Sighing, y/n pushed the book away and curled her legs up to her chest as the phantoms cried again outside. Slowly she began to whimper with apolo, whimpers turned to crys. She was nervous he was never coming back, she knew when he went out there was always risk. Quackity was after him, and Dream wasn't exactly friendly.

Phil hadn't came to visit either, he always did when Techno left. He knew how dry conversations with animals could he, Kirsten left all the time. The lack of Phil, the lack of Techno, and the damn phantoms taunting her outside terrified her.

She wouldn't be able to get back to the SMP. She couldn't navigate the forests without Phil or without Techno. She'd be stuck out here, with a village five miles out. Techno had taught her the basics of hunting but she would get lost in the woods, the snow falling to fast covering her footsteps.

Then suddenly the crys of phantoms disappeared.

Then heavy footsteps were heard.

Then the door swung open.

And apolo didn't bark.

"Techno!" y/n sprung up and ran to hug him. Techno gripped her tightly holding her close, never wanting to let go. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms strong enough to curl herself around the piglin brute.

"I thought you weren't coming back." She whispered into his cloak, which was covered in snow. A wake hug never felt so cold. "y/n... I always come back you know that." He chuckled and kicked the door shut and began taking off his boots while y/n still hung onto him.

"I thought you died! Dreams not really known for his hospitality, and Quackitys running about-." Techno just cradled the girl closer, hushing her.

"y/n... darling I didn't die. Technoblade never dies, right? I always come back, and I always will." He assured her, she nodded and slowly let him go so he could take off his cloak. "Good- now go run upstairs and get in bed, it's late. I'm just going to shower, I'll join shortly after." He un-clasped his cloak and hung it on the hook by her identical one, just slightly smaller.

"You just got him though." She frowned, Techno cupped her check and ran his thumb in circled lovingly. "How about, I give you your gift now, and then you go to bed." He asked, she furrowed her eyes brows. "Gift?" She asked, Techno nodded. "Here." He picked her up and placed her on the counter, and opened up his bag taking out a case.

"I took the nether route back.. for secrecy and to get you this." He opened the case and a beautiful withered rose sat on top of a necklace. Carefully taking the rose off, y/n looked at the necklace. A withered gemstone sat in the middle of two f/c stones, all on a netherite plate.

"Techno.." she gently took the necklace out of the case and looked at it. "This must have cost a fortune.." she whispered placing it back in the case with the rose before she broke it. "It didn't cost anything, when piglin's see a brute they are normally pretty compliant." He shrugged, she looked over in the bag and saw his firework crossbow then looked at him unimpressed.

"Did you kill your own kind?" She asked, he chuckled. "They attacked first." He shrugged, scratching his neck. You brushed his hair off to the side to see the nic which appeared to be from a gold sword. She sighed. "Thank you techno.. you didn't have to." She gave a soft smile, taking the case from his hands and placing it by her side.

"It's the least I could do. Now go on. Off to bed." He nodded towards the stairs, she sighed and pecked his lips before trudging upstairs with the case, off to bed. Just like techno said.

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