𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙧 - 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢

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A/n: y/n has a father in
this if i see one daddy
issue joke i swtg

content warning
-mentions and attempted rape
-suggestive material



The loud sound of engines and rock music filled y/n's ears as she sat with her father and mother up in the over view room. Rich bitches surrounded them as champagne glasses clinked and money was betted on the racers. Down bellow people dressed in baggy pants and chains, with colored untamed hair. That world was seen but unknown to y/n. y/n knew champagne and party's, with enough to money to do something good for the world, but spent on luxury items.

As the first lineup started, chatter quieted down, y/n watched as three boys walked out.

The one to far left was dressed in black ripped jeans, with a blue sweatshirt with a red box in the middle with his racing name, Georgenotfound, in the middle. He had dark brunette hair, and wore strange white goggles to cover his eyes. His car with blue with a red 404 painted on the side.

The one on the far right was dressed similarly. Black ripped jeans with a white t-shirt with a flame, and a black hoodie underneath. He wore chains on his pants, and around his neck, his ears had silver hanging from them, and rings covered his fingers. His face looked burnt, and his brunette hair was ashy. His car was fully black until he turned it on, flames shot out the back, and slowly the rims lit up a bright orange and led lights showed a flame on the side.

The one in the middle sparked an interest. He wore a white mask and green cropped hoodie, a black wide beater tank top underneath hugged his slim figure, showing off the abs he had through the thin tank top. Black fingerless gloves covered his hands, and he wore a few chains as well, but not as much as his ashy haired rival. His car was by far the nicest as well. The windows were tinted so dark it almost matched the black car itself. The smiley face that was painted onto his mask was painted onto his car, and glowed a like green. His rims were a chrome, with a tint of green, and under his car glowed a like green.

"Dad who's that?" y/n had to yell slightly over the chatter of the three racers. "Georgenotfound, Sapnap, and Dream." He pointed to each of the racers. "They look good." She smiled. "Their rivalry has been going on for years." He answered. "Sapnap's quite attractive don't you think?" Her mother leaned over and smirked. "I was thinking Dream."
y/n shrugged, blushing slightly. "There coming to the after party." She said, y/n didn't even know there was an after party. "Hopefully their as easy as a city boy." y/n smirked, and watched two blonde girls count down before waving the flag and three cars raced off.


"Dream. Your prize money." y/n's father handed the tallest racer, the one with a mask. He had won by milliseconds to Sapnap, and moments to Georgenotfound. "50,000 dollars." He confirmed as Dream started to count off the hundreds. "Thank you." Dream was excited, not only to prove himself as the better racer, but for 50,000 dollars. He needed it, he owned the house all the racers lived in and could barley afford rent.

"You won, it's only fair." He shrugged, and shook Dream hand before being called over by a friend. Leaving just Dream and y/n.

"Your dress quite nicely for a flag girl." Dream bit his lips behind the mask, checking her out. "I'm not a flag girl." She scoffed, Dreams eyebrows furrowed. "Actually I think my looks exceed your flag girls, their pumped with plastic and fake smiles." She glared across the room to the two blonde girls all over the ashy haired racer. "I don't disagree, but who are you then?" He asked. "My fathers the one who gave you that. I don't know what he his to you but, I'm his daughter." She pointed to the briefcase of cash.

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