𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩 - 𝙨𝙖𝙥𝙣𝙖𝙥

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high school


So many Nick Armstrong was a little overly confident. Maybe he was slightly arrogant. But that didn't stop anybody from liking him. He would get invited to every party, and if you were lucky enough to get into one of his, you didn't miss it.

Which is the exact reason why y/n and y/f were at the mall looking for an outfit for the after game party at Nicks house. While y/f normally got invited to party's, being captain of the volleyball team, she didn't ever go to any. The two were only going because it was Nicks house, and y/f had a fat crush on one of nicks best friends. George Davidson.

So while she had no budget and would go all out to impress the boys best friend, y/n followed her around, picking up a piece every now and again. She couldn't really find anything she liked or that was reasonably priced. So the two simply grabbed y/f a $200 outfit and left the mall. Y/n decided she'd just wear her schools crewneck and Jean shorts.

When the two got home they looked through Pinterest for hair inspiration and the two of you decided to do matching hair styles. You dug through your jewelry bin to find old best friend bracelets form justice the two of you bought back in third grade. Taking off the 'BFF' charm you two braided the front pieces of your hair and looped other beads in along with the BFF bead.

"We look like we're in a Pinterest board." Y/f nudged, y/n laughed as she took a picture of them. "I don't think of ever been to a football game, only your volleyball." y/n pointed out. "Maybe you'll get a football player tonight." y/f laughed as they climbed into her car. "Hell to the no. Armstrong is a cocky bitch, Davidson is yours, and Hall is to basic." She rolled her eyes, y/f hummed like she didn't believe her.

When the two got to the football game they grabbed seats in the middle, away from the band to not blow their ears out. After a few attempts to take a photo, the players started walking out. y/f jumped up and pointed, "Look it's George!" She grinned. y/n only nodded at her friends antics. "Simons made the team as a freshman?" She questioned. This sparked
y/n's interest, she and Techno were good friends and Tommy was a brother of technos. "I guess, Wils on the team so maybe that's why?" y/n shrugged. "I heard they begged Techno to play." y/f laughed. "He won't do it, he is dead set on wrestling." y/n scoffed.

They game went on as they always did, Armstrong goofed off first quarter, got set straight by coach, and started playing correctly. Davidson would always catch the ball of Clay threw it, and would almost always get a touch down. Then Clay would always do the same play, approach opponent with the ball, throw the ball to George, then tackle opponent. Hall was a big guy, and he used his hight well.

The team ended up winning by 13 points, then it was time for Nicks party. It was the topic of discussion by everyone after the game finished.

"Did you get invited?"

"I think I'm gonna shoot my shot tonight at the party."

"Think they will have alcohol?"

"I should ask him to be on my team for beer pong tonight."

The two girls felt very out of place as they walked to nicks house behind the field and a into the neighborhood. It was obvious which house was his. The last name was imprinted onto the mall-box and the sign nicks ex girlfriend made him with his jersey number still hung on the door. Lights were on and you could hear the music form the open upstairs window. People stood on the porch and one couple was sitting on the roof, two red solo cups in there hands.

"We could run." y/n suggested. "Let me say hi to George then we can bolt." y/f dragged you inside, music wasn't as loud as y/n thought but it wasn't quite by any means. y/f quickly spotted George and y/n sent her off to go flirt. She decided to look around for Tommy, or maybe even Wil. However she was stopped mid search.

"I haven't seen you around before?"

Nick -mother fucking- Armstrong.

"Uh my friend y/f said she got a plus one." She shrugged. "No- I don't want you to leave." He laughed. "I'm just saying I wish I would have seen you more." He 'complimented?' "I think we have Clay has science with you. You are y/n l/n right?" He asked. "Yeah, I use to do dance team." She shrugged. "Use to?" He asked. "I did varsity freshman and last year." Of course making varsity was important but she knew he didn't really care about dance. "Well I mean I do football. I mean of course you know that Iv been MVP since freshman year." He gloated. "Egotistical, so the rumors are true." y/n scoffed. "No I'm just confident, like how I'm confident enough you'll wear my jersey to the football game next Friday." He winked and tugged off his jersey to show just a white tee.

y/n was a little speechless as she was handed the jersey but accepted anyways. "You are coming to it right?" He asked. "I guess I am now."

𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙥
(𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙮)

"Wait, so Nick Armstrong's jersey has been in you fucking closet all week and you didn't tell me!" Y/f exclaimed as they walked into the football game. "I mean I saw you all flirting at lunch-." Y/n cut y/f off. "We weren't flirting we were simply helping each other with math. Because neither of us can do it and George wouldn't give him answers." She corrected. "So that ring was a token of gratitude for struggling with math homework with him? Yeah not a chance, it's still Nick Armstrong." She picked up y/n's hand and looked at his championship ring he wears for good luck. It was his first one, freshmen year varsity.

"Whatever." y/n rolled her eyes as the two took their spots were they did last time. The players starting walking out in the same formation, the seniors in front, followed by juniors. Nick looked along the crowd for the mop of y/h/c he noticed at his party. But it was her eye roll her saw first, then his jersey. He smirked at the girl, she waved and he did a little wave back, only to be nudged in the shoulder by Clay.

"Really? y/l/n?" Clay asked. "Yeah what about her." Nick asked. "Her best friend, the volleyball captain? Is obsessed with me." George scoffed, Nick laughed. "Well y/l/n keeps playing hard to get so we are in opposite situations." Nick shrugged as they started taking their places around coach. "Yeah by wearing your jersey and freshmen varsity ring." Clay scoffed. "Whatever." He rolled his eyes and looked up at the girl.

He had found a different good luck charm.

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