𝙛𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙣 - 𝙨𝙖𝙥𝙣𝙖𝙥

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a/n: iv been reading
champagne burnouts by
random_roadie54 So the only
thing you all are getting
for awhile is racing
also every go read champagne
burnouts it's literally so good-

content warning
-toxic family

accelerate / champagne


"Nick, you'd look so good in this." y/n called his name, picking out a ashy grey suit. "You could put the chains on this pocket and with a black undershirt and burnt orange tie?" She explained, Nick had been wanting to meet y/n's parents for awhile. He knew they didn't approve of their daughter dating a man who's income is from drag racing, and gamboling, but he wanted to prove that he is a good person and loves her. However he couldn't exactly walk in there like he dressed in Las Navadas.

"You think they'll be fine with the chains?" Nick asked, y/n frowned. "I don't want you to change that much. Your still allowed to be yourself." She looked to him, it was his call. "I want to fit as much as possible in appearance, that way I might get some grace with my personality." He shrugged, y/n laughed quietly. "It's your call, but let's get this tailored." Holding up the suit jacket to Nick she could tell he was going to need the shoulders widened. "Well sorry I don't look like George." He scoffed, she smirked. "Thank god you don't, he looks like a boy." She casually said, Sapnap s jaw dropped a bit before following her up to the counter and watched as she went to pay.

"It'll be 600.78." The cashier said, before Nick could protest her card was already being passed over. "American eagle was like 50." Nick whispered yelled. "We bought a pair of none ripped black jeans, this is Prada love." She brought her hand around one side of his face and moved him down to kiss his cheek. "And will you need this tailored?" She cashier carefully folded it. "Yes, but I have somebody else to do it." She said, the cashier nodded and handed over the bag to her. "Thank you." She said, and the two lovers left.

"y/n likes like 90 percent of a race prize." Nick said clearly concerned. "Don't worry so much. I promise getting it tailored will cost less." She kissed him to make up for it. He sighed before slipping a hand into her back pocket.

After getting the suit jacket tailored, they bought a black button up and instead of the orange Sapnap said he'd wear the change if it was grey, which y/n agreed to. When they got back to Las Navads the two were cleaning his black converse while Dream was working on his car in the garage with them.

"George." Nick whined as he couldn't remember what having two forks was for, y/n was giving him a rundown on what dinner was going to look like and then quizzed him on it. "Salad and dinner, dessert will be brought out with a spoon most likely." He answered. "How do you remember that." Dream laughed. "It's drilled into our heads." George and y/n answered at the same time.

"And please tell me you'll drink wine?" She asked, Sapnaps face twisted. "It's going to be like that fancy shit." He groaned. "Slip a beer into it." Dream called. "No. Stop it Dream." y/n rolled her eyes. "It's a sipping wine most likely. You won't have to drink much." She rubbed his back, and set his left converse out to dry. "I'm going to need a whiskey after this." Nick rubbed his eyes as he set the right one beside it.

"Me to love." She joked, Nick knew she didn't drink whiskey. He needed the little laugh before the two walked back into the house to get ready.

Nicks car definitely showed up both her parents. He pulled in right beside the steps since the driveway circled around a fountain and led up to the large colonial styled mansion. "Please tell me you don't want to live in a house like this one day?" Nick turned to her and asked. "Oh hell no." She shook her head, Nick smiled. "Good." He laughed and slid out of the car. Before y/n could open the door herself Nick had done it for her and offered and hand. She took his hand and let him pulled her up and loop his arm with hers. She tugged down the navy cocktail dress and fixed the silver locket Nick and given her.

Her heels clicked on the brick steps as she rang the doorbell. The yipping of the white Yorkie inside started going off as the door was opened by y/n's mother. "y/n!" Her mother engulfed her in a hug, Nick definitely saw where y/n got her beauty from. The two shared their jawline, eye, and hair color. The red flowy dress fell on her mother like the skater skirts y/n would ware to nicks races. Granted, Nick still thought y/n was far more beautiful.

"Mom this is Nick, Nick my mom." y/n introduced, Nicks posture straightened out even more. "It's nice to meet you." Nick said politely. "Iv heard a lot about you Nick." Her mother's voice was sweet, but there was something underlying. "Come inside." She waved them in, picking up the white yorkie.

"Dads in the dining room right now." y/n's mom said, y/n nodded and grabbed nicks hand leading him to the dining room, it was a long room with a chandelier hung in the center, and a fireplace behind the head, where y/n's father was.

"Dad!" She smiled and ran over to hug him. The man gently hugged his daughter standing up. "How's my girl." He whispered. "Couldn't be better." She smiled, then took a step back to hood nicks hand again. "Dad this is Nick." She introduced, immediately Nick extended his hand. "It's wonderful to meet you sir." Nick said as her father shook his hand. "I think it's been long over due." He nodded, his lips pressed in a firm line. "Of course, I apologize." He said. "It's fine, I'm sure your work schedule keeps your busy." He glared. "Dad. Stop it." y/n warned, Nick wanted to fire back but the grip y/n had on his hand told him not to.

y/n's mother cleared her throat, making the three of them look behind to see the maids walking into the room with dinner. y/n's father sat back down like nothing happened, Nick and y/n moved to his left.

"So y/n what have you been up to, you haven't visited in weeks." y/n's father asked, handing his glass back to the maid pouring wine. "Traveling, it's been loads of fun, we just got back from Texas." She enthused. "What were in Texas for, vacation?" Her mother asked. "No Nick had work with some of his friends, how much did you make again?" She turned to ask him. "30,000. Dream got the grand." He answered. "Dream? Is that like a stripper name." y/n's mother asked,
y/n almost choked on her drink, Nick had to hold back laughing. "No they all have names they go by for work." She explained.

"You don't have to call it work, we know he's a racer." y/n's father rolled his eyes. "Right, speaking of that, do you ride with him when he races?" y/n's mother asked. "I- it depends, each event has different rules." She gave a broad answer. "That's dangerous y/n if you watch nascar their just little specks, that's how fast there going." They we're right, it was dangerous, but it was way more dangerous then nascar.

"Nick wouldn't let me get hurt." y/n said confidently cutting her fish. Her father laughed. "Please, he may know how to clean up nice but he's so rough around the edges he'd cut you." He scoffed. "I know what I do isn't the safest thing in the world, but with all due respect sir, I don't let people in the stands who are probably on crack and drunk, even get a second look at her. So what part of me would let her get hurt?" His tone was harsh, y/n looked down, this wasn't going to end well.

"So you want to isolate her?" He asked. "Not at all, if I did I would move out with her somewhere else." Nick scoffed. "So quick witted." Her father glared. "Maybe I'm just smart?" Nick rhetorically said. "Nobody like you is, don't be a fool." Her father glared. "The racers I live with are some of the smartest people I know, Quackity might be the smartest man iv ever met." Nick shrugged, almost like it didn't bother it. "A man named after a duck can't be that intelligent ." y/n let out a low laugh at that, Nick was right, Quackity might be a dumbass sometimes but he was smart when it came to business. "Please don't tell me you believe this bastard." Her father scoffed. "Language y/f/n." Her mother glared.

"Don't call him that." She glared. "He's a son of a bitch to but I chose to be a little kinder." He said, Nick stood up. Her father had no idea. "Nick." She pleaded. "He doesn't know." She whispered. "Actually let him go, I want the bastard out of my house." Her father glared. "Our house." Her mother kicked him under the table. "Gladly, and we won't be back." She said, grabbing nicks hand and leaving.

a/n (sry not sry)
please remember the idea
of racing is coming from random_roadie54
book champagne burnouts and has
for the past few racing chapters
expect the one titled Accelerate

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