𝙜𝙤𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝 - 𝙙𝙖𝙙𝙣𝙤𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙙𝙚

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It wasn't everyday the young goddess of death would prance around l'manburg. Long pink hair flew in the wind, as her long and muscular legs took long strides down the wooden prime path. Even people she was close with, like Tubbo were nervous as she strode through by herself. It meant Technoblade wasn't to far away. He was most likely handling something to do with politics or his horse Carl.

However the country was scared when they heard the combat boots shake the floor. People would watch as she tapped her fingers against the heavy netheight axe strapped to her thigh. Or how her chin was lifted upwards, her perfect posture she and her father both had. Something about the girls mannerism caught a certain guests eye.

"Is she a local beauty?" Dream asked, the two boys on his left seemed just as intrigued. "She'll squash you, like a bug." Tommy warned, Wilbur laughed. Dream simply wanted to see the country now that it had been rebuilt. Wilbur had called techno in to keep Dream from attempting anything, seems he brought his daughter. "What's her name?" Sapnap asked. "Wouldn't you like to know." Wilbur rolled his eyes. "What's. Her name?" Dream said, his voice suddenly much more eerie. Although he'd never admit it, it scared Tommy.

Wilbur sighed, "y/n, Technoblade daughter, the goddess of death herself." He said. "If she wasn't illegal I'd marry her." Tommy sighed. "Yeah right, she's barely 18 anyways." Wilbur scoffed. The boys watched as she veered over to a flower cart. Being ran by badboyhalo.

"Hello bad." She smiled. "Y/n, I'm glad to see you back in town!" He smiled. "Do you have any withered roses?" She asked. "No, I haven't ran to the nether in almost two months." He shook his head. "Shame really. Those three smp boys look like they need a good spooke." She nodded backwards. Bad looked and saw Dream George and Sapnap all watching her. "Not the three I would mess with y/n, I don't even think your dad could stop that one." Bad nodded to the with a mask. "Dream." Bad whispered. "Awful sweet name for a terrifying man." She rolled her eyes, however as the looked around, she saw her dad walking up to them. "I better go with dad, cya around bad." She smiled and waved, before jogging up to her dad.

"Just try to not blow anything up this time." Her dads monotone yet smooth voice said sternly. She hadn't heard him ever speak to her like that, at least outside of training. He was a real teddy bear with her, but trained her harder then he trained Tommy or Tubbo. Phil tried going easy on her once but techno caught on and went twice as hard on her that day. Even to this day she's yet to beat her father in a duel.

"I'll make sure of it." Dream smirked, behind his mask his eyes lingered over to Technos daughter. Techno didn't have to see him to know. "Y/n, I don't believe you've met Dream." He placed a solid hand on her shoulder. He's always been very protective over her, where ever y/n was, he was. "No, although I don't believe I would like to." She, like her father knew he was looking at her. He was mentally undressing her, the barley legal girl found herself scooting an inch closer to her father.

"Dream." Technos voice was no longer smooth, it was rough. Phil was really the only one to ever hear it like that, he was a old war buddy. The story's the two could tell together never failed to amaze the young girl. Dream simply hummed, seemingly unfazed by her fathers tone. But on the inside he was screaming with fear. "Take this as a warning." He practically yelled at him, but his voice was low, as his hand fell off his daughter shoulder and he took a step up.

Not wanting to cause to much of a scene he bid goodbye to Wilbur and Tommy, before running off with y/n back to the horses.

𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗽
𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙙𝙖𝙮

The next morning, Phil and y/n rode on their horses to L'manburg. Phil had a quick favor to return for Niki and Fundy, and y/n would never pass up the chance to run around l'manburg. Maybe it was the lack of wild teenage year but she loved to run around l'manburg taking long strides with her hair flowing.

It was doing just that where she ran into one of the three boys from yesterday, however he was alone.

"Don't believe we got the chance to speak, dreams a bit quick with the mouth." The raven haired boy sighed, slightly disappointed in his friend. "You didn't do anything wrong, yet." She said blandly. He chuckled, she was definitely Technoblade daughter. "I'm snapmap- I mean Sapnap." He quickly corrected himself, the girl gave him a crossed and confused look. "Sorry- long story." He mumbled, the girl just hummed. "So where are the other two?" She asked. "SMP, they left with Bad and Skeppy last night." He answered she nodded. "I didn't know Technoblade had a kid." He added.

"Long story but yeah, he does." Not really wanting to get to deep into it. "Not much of a talker are you?" He wondered out loud. "I am, just went I feel like somebody is worth my time." She scoffed, Sapnap gave her a confused glance. "Something crawl up your ass and die this morning?" Sapnap retorted. "Wouldn't you like to know about my arse." She smirked. "That's not-." He groaned. "-your more irritating then your father." He sighed. "I know, I pride myself on it."

"Y/n! Let's go." Phil called.

"Bye snapmap." She winked and turned on her boot heel and walked over to Phil who wrapped a wing around her. He watched her walk off for longer then he should have.

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