why just me?

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"It's all for today, Louis", Mary said as she opened the door to walk out. Louis nodded. She turned around at the last second to say to Louis, "Don't forget to take your pills at 11am!" she shouted as she closed the door this time.

And for another time, Louis was alone. Just like every other day. With no one in is room just like it was a surprise. And each day, he goes to stand near his bedroom's window to admire the sky.

He thought that the sky, him, will never let him alone. He can't die. A luck that Louis can't have.

Five minutes passed by and Louis goes out of his room. He goes to the cafeteria of the hospital near his room in the left side of the hospital. The right side was for the mental hospital. It was a small hospital so they had to mix the two hospitals. He goes each morning take his coffee, each day the same order, "A large coffee with whipped cream, honey and cinnamon with a straight bagel, please" he called the same man who is stand there since he's eleven. "Sure, how are you today, Louis?"

"Like all the other day, nothing changes. Thank for asking Oscar, and you?" Louis said.

"Good, apparently your friend Liam comes out of the hospital tomorrow. Did you know?" Oscar said as he managed to whip the cream for his coffee. He was always smiling and seemed always happy. But Louis knew he was holding so much inside. His wife was currently in a hospital in another city because their hospital hasn't enough places for a woman in a coma. She was an amazing woman before she got in a tragic car accident six months ago. He knew this because he was also keeping everything inside. He has no one to talk to. His friends kind of abandoned him when they learned one year ago that he will spend probably all of his life in hospital. He hasn't got any news of them since then. No one was visiting him either.

Lost in his thought, he forget what the old man has asking him. "Louis?" he managed to say to Louis as he gives him his coffee and bagel.

"Mmh?" he said, still lost in his head.

"Your friend, he's send home tomorrow" Oscar said with confused eye at the lost boy in front of him.

"He's not my friends" he said, trying to sound calm even with the storm inside his head. He still managed to take his coffee and thanks Oscar for his breakfast.

As he walk in the corridor where all the hospitalised persons like him was lodged, he decided that today he's going to visited this one girl that been here since last month. She got hospitalised for cancer and can be saved, more, Louis kind of like her present. She's nice. But he never remembers her name.

Her room was near Louis, but the opposites of the cafeteria so he had to pass by his room to go brush his teeth because he hated when he got something stuck between his teeth.

He walked down the empty alley just to find a little boy, but he was so lost to find her room that he doesn't ever noticed that the little boy was waving at him. He passes by and Louis turned his head to give him one of his most comforting smiles. He liked kid. When he will be older, he wanted to have a little girl, teach her how to plays football and telling her she's the most beautiful little girl in the world. This was one of his dreams, this and make everyone around him happy.

As he walked past Liam's bedroom, he noticed it was empty. At first he doesn't understand but then he remembers what Oscar tells him back to the cafeteria. He just left. It's not that Liam wasn't his friend; it's more because the two of them wasn't speaking a lot and they were never a big conversation. Apart from that, Liam was a great person, he will miss him in some way, he thinks.

And he was there, knocking on this girl room. She also likes Louis' presence, but in a different way that Louis.

She opened the door with one of her smile, always so shiny. She was beautiful. With her long browns hair, her browns eyes. She was shorter than Louis, not that Louis was the tallest. This morning, she was wearing one of these black leggings with a green sage oversized Nike sweatshirt. Her hair was in two reversed braid. But her eyes were tired, Louis noticed.

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