your broken soul

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Harry's pov

"Less than a month." Louis said, still looking in Harry's eyes.

Harry turned his gaze away from Louis, looking at the floor.

He knew that Louis was in a serious situation. He never allowed himself to think about it. Of course he cared about him; he didn't want to lose him. Louis hadn't really talked about it, but when Harry saw him, didn't able to breath and passed out, he knew it was heavy. He only knew that if he didn't take his meds, he will die faster. He didn't want to think about it really, but now that it's happening, he found himself lost in his thought.

They stayed like that for a good five minutes, both of them waiting for the other one to talk. They didn't talk since Louis told him.

He suddenly heard Louis moved. He took step from behind, Harry feel Louis look at him, still waiting for him to say something. He took the door handle in his hands, turning it slowly and opening the door. At the last second, Harry lifted his eyes up to meet Louis' gaze, just before he closed the door.

He knew that he should have said something, but it was too hard. He just wanted to tell him that it's going to be alright and thing like that, but the words were still rolling on his tongue, unable to leave his mouth.

He just wanted to hug him.

Harry stayed in the door way for what it feel ages before going to sit on his chair beside the window. There, he could see what Louis was doing and sometime, he could see Louis and Louis could see Harry.

He would always find Louis staring at the sky, his head in his hand. He would just look at him. He knew it sounded creepy, but he didn't really care.

He wasn't really feeling well since Louis told him that. He didn't really feel like staying awake.

He dragged his feet down the floor, taking off his shirt and pant before changing in more comfortable clothes. The bed cracked when he sat down on it. He slowly slipped under the sheet, turning on his side to see the window. He couldn't see Louis, just the sky.

It was cloudy now, cold.

He didn't like being left in his own thought; he was scared of what he could do. Plus, since Louis told him that he was going to die, it didn't get really better.

He slowly closed his eye, trying to find sleep, but he sadly couldn't.

It was always happening and he didn't know how to find it. He could stay awake all night, just thinking. It wasn't good for him, but he had nothing to do.

All he was thinking is that he didn't say anything, and it was really hurting him. He couldn't imagine what Louis had feeling.

Without even thinking, he stood up and put on his shoes. He didn't know what he was doing, just thought that it was a good idea. He made his way to the door, opened it and headed to his room. It wasn't really since the sun was down early.

He was now standing in front of his door, sweaty palm and shaky hand. He was about to knock when he heard voices on the other side of the door. It was pretty impossible to understand what they were saying, so he made sure no one was here and put his ear on the door.

"Yes" he heard Louis say. He didn't sound sad, just tired.

"What did he say?" it was a woman. Mary.

They were probably talking about earlier.

"Nothing!" he heard arm falling on the mattress and he suddenly feel extremely guilty. "He said fucking nothing!"

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