forbidden love

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"Louis, wake up darling" his voice was smooth, but nothing in this was reassuring. This was the voices of a man, a man that he didn't know. But he then remembers what Mary told him, so he just shut his eyes closed.

The man started slowly dragging his hands up and down his arm. Louis tried to pretend he was asleep; hoping he could just gave him his pills and let him sleep. The night before was so stressing that he barely getting any sleep before this man came and wakes him up.

"You're so pretty with your eyes shut" the man's hand was now near his neck. He slowly dragged his hands to Louis collarbone before passing by the end of his jaw. Louis was founding it hard to stay eye shut, even more when a man you don't know his touching your face. The man cupped his face, slowly passing his thumb under his eyelid to try and wake him up.

But little did he know that Louis was fully awake at this time.

Louis still found forced in him for opened his eye, now looking at the man who was sitting beside his head on his bed. He looked up to see his face, but it was too dark that he didn't get the chance to see his face. But maybe that was a good idea though.

"Good boy" the man dragged his hand down to meet his upper arm and now his waist. He stayed there after, with his other hand, taking Louis meds. He slowly opened the box, takes his pill and closed it.

Louis was sure he was taking all this time because he could touch Louis a little longer. The hand on his waist was now lower, resting on his hips. He brushed his thumb right and left before soothing down his tight.

"Open your mouth, love"

Louis did as he told, too tired to even pushed his hand away of him. He opened his mouth, just enough so that the pills would enter it.

The man placed the med on his tongue, two fingers in before looking Louis right in the eye, "Got a pretty mouth as I can see, Louis"

He took his finger out, thumb brushing over his lower lip before pulling it down. Louis was feeling so stressed of what could happen next that his eye started watering. The man noticed lean down to whisper something to Louis.

"Don't cry, love. I know you like it like this" he said while whipping away a tear that found out his way down his cheek. Louis was feeling so tired, he couldn't handle this.

"Can you leave, please? I just want to sleep" he found himself saying. The man hand was now resting on his face. He looked at him in the eye, giving him such a vulnerable look.

"Sure" he said with a smile. He stood up from his bed before turning to Louis, "If you need something, my name his Alan."

Louis nodded.

Alan leaned down to plant a kiss on Louis forehead before turning around, "Goodbye Louis, hope you will sleep well. See you tomorrow"

He was now gone.

Louis tried to find some sleep this night, after this. But he just, couldn't. He would lay down on his back, thinking, looking outside at the star.

"Beautiful" he whisper under his breath.

He finally found sleep, at 4 am.

Louis was fully awake, on his side. It's been an hour, but Louis hadn't dared move yet.

He finally sat up, slowly. He would just stay in bed all day if he could, it's just so comfortable. He rubbed his eye, a little swollen from last night. He stood up and went to his bathroom. He didn't dare to look at himself in the mirror, not before he shower, in any case.

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