I couldn't help it

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Before we start this chapter, I just wanted to tell you that I am proud of each of you and I love you. You are strong, don't forget that.


I don't want to spoil anything so I'm just going to put a massive trigger warning;


Louis wasn't feeling this night.

All of the previous event didn't seem right.

After receiving the message from Harry, Louis only closed his phone and headed to bed. His heart was hurting ever more due to his crying and it was paining him everywhere. He really wanted to sleep tonight so he called Mary.

A little while after, she knocked before opening the door. "Yes sweetie?" She stayed in the doorway.

"Can I get painkiller? My head hurt so badly." She couldn't see that he was crying because the lights were closed. He thanks himself for that. He was in his bed, sitting on his pillow.

"Sure, you could have only gone to your desk. I put them there for you to take when it get intolerable." She flicked the light open, not looking at Louis who had now swollen eyes and dry tear on his face. She only headed to his desk and took two pills. She then placed the little bottle back on his desk before turning around. Once she looked at Louis, her smile disappeared.

"Are you okay, Louis? Why were you crying?" she directly went to sit down on her chair, now worried about Louis state.

"It's nothing, really." She didn't seem convinced. "Nothing to worry about." He shrugged.

She only looked at Louis, sad eye scanning his teary face. "Okay. Just to know, you can talk to me if anything happen, alright?"

He nodded.

She placed the pills in his hand and gave him a glass of water. He took the pills while Mary stood up.

She would never force him to talk about how he was feeling, and he loved her for that. He probably couldn't make it if he opened his mouth to talk. He didn't even know why he had cried all night. Everything was too much maybe.

He didn't want to lose Harry or maybe their conversation earlier. He didn't know, but he has one thing he knew.

He is going to lose Harry.

She was leaving when Louis interrupted her. "Wait!"

She abruptly turned her head, now looking at Louis. She started to walk towards the chair she was sitting a while ago, "Yes?"

She sat on the chair, now paying attention to him. She crossed her legs and put her intertwined hand on her knee.

"How will it be?" He asked, not sure if she would understand.

"Will be what?" She tilted her head on the side. Her gazes were always warm and it always made Louis confident about what is was going to say.

"You know, dying."

She put her hand on Louis'. She hated see him so vulnerable like this. And he always thought that was making him weak.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you obviously had other patient with the same condition as me so, how do you think it will be?" He didn't want to ask this question. He also thought that his sickness will go away one day. In his heart, it still had this flicker of hope that everything will end good.

This little flame burned down a month ago.

It burned down when he meet Harry. The hope of getting better and finally be out of the hospital disappeared. He didn't know why thought. But this day, another flame light up. Not the same kind. It was more like it had a true little fire inside of him and when he will see Harry, it will grew more. It's like it was melting his heart, but in a good way. A way that made him feel same, a way that made him happy.

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