why this happen to angel like you?

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"Where are you taking me?" I asked, walking beside Mary. She told me we were going to a place I would love, it's been more than an hour that we walk.

"You will see", she would tell me every time. We were on the road in a city that I didn't know, but they were no car and nobody. Mary wasn't like usual, she had that crazy little smile on her lips and she wasn't dress like usual. I remember yesterday when she talked to me in my room that she was wearing a simple white hospital uniform, but today, she was wearing black high-waisted jeans with a black long-sleeves t-shirt. She also had black heels, which wasn't her styles since she was in her fifty.

At this point, she was scaring me.

"We are finally arrive, Louis!" she looked at me with that eyes that I've never seen before.

I sighed at relief of having to stop walking. I was out of breath and my legs and feet were hurting. I tried to see where we were, but I didn't recognize this place. It was a high building, all in window. We opened the double door, it was really beautiful inside. A girl sitting on the front desk at the reception, she was talking in her microphone, but when she saw us, she stopped everything.

I still didn't know why she was taking me there.

"Hi! Welcome to the Grand Place! What can I help you with today, Mary?" the girl knew who was Mary. The place was in window everywhere so you could see outside.

"For the guy and Louis here" she pointed at me. The girl nodded while walking from behind, she pushed a door opened. We slowly walked inside; it was the first time that I came here, but certainly not for Mary. She seemed confident.

"Louis, stay here. I'm going to talk to Meredith" she told me, so I stayed here. I tried to listen to their conversation, but it was a whisper to me.

I looked up to see that everything was mirror, but when I tried to walk forwards, a window stopped me. It was there, every wall except the door behind was mirror or window. I started to really stress because they were no exit, plus, Mary was nowhere to be seen.

"... the other side of the mirror" the voices were getting louder and louder, I could understand now what they were saying. What did they means by that?

I looked through the mirror in front of me, but I saw nothing.

"Louis! I'm glad you stay there" Meredith said to me. She seemed nicer than Mary in this moment.

"Why am I here?" I asked, looking directly in Mary's eyes. She looked at me with no compassion, not even answering my question.

"Mary wanted you to experiment something before" Meredith explained to me, Mary still watching me. That doesn't sound good in my head.

No one talked; the two of them were just looking at me. I was looking at Mary who was looking at the door.

"We are going to let you alone, just" she seemed to think about what she could tell me. "Never mind. Just stay here."

I didn't really understand what was going on, but I knew it wasn't very good.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked. It wasn't really obvious what I could do; it was a simple room with nothing in it, all in mirror. The only thing I could do was look at my reflection in one of the walls.

"Fight" she only answered me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding who I could fight. I was only in this room, but I remember them telling each other that it had someone on the other side of the mirror.

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