don't let him go

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"Where are you bringing me?" I said. Harry had been walking use in the wood for like an hour and my leg were now sore. I didn't recognize this place either, but it's hot, the trees were so high in the sky and so green. It was beautiful.

"Ah! You will see when we will arrive" Harry was a little bit before me, his hand laced in mine while he was trying to pull me to walk faster.

I hated it when he was doing this, bringing me place when I didn't know where it was. It wasn't the first time, but I liked it. I was with him.

"Close your eye" he said, now taking step from behind. He was now in front of me, trying to hide my sight.


"Just close it, Lou. You are not helping me" he went behind me and put his hand in front of my eye. He started to walk us forwards, not seeing where I was going, I stumble on a rock. Harry brought his right arm under my waist to help me stabilize myself.

We walked a little more before Harry said, "Here". He removed his hands from my eye, now by his side. I took a time before opening my eye. Once I did it, it was literally magical.

We were on the top of a mountain; we could see the forest under us, the sea far away from here and the sun now swimming on the horizon. The sky was orange and the clouds were pink. It was really breath taking.

"Wow" I didn't dare turn to look at Harry yet, but when I do, he wasn't even looking at the view. He was looking at me. "The sea is such a beautiful blue tonight, Harry."

"You want to know what I am thinking?" he dangled his head on the side, bringing his face closer to me. The sun was reflecting in his eye.

I nodded, not sure why he wanted me to know this.

"That the blue in your eye is far prettier than the sea" he stopped, I said nothing so he continued, "That the red of your lips, the ones that stay in my mine every day, matched perfectly the blue in your eye. Your green hoodie that you borrow me this morning is far too big for you, the way you place your hair on the side every morning is making me feel fucking butterflies each time I dare to look at you". He pushed back a lock of hair that was now in my face. "The way you get all nervous when I'm near you..."

He leaned forwards, our lips brushing lightly before he added, "The butterflies in my stomach are flying so hard right now"

Once he finished his word, he leaned completely forwards. His lips crashed against mine. It was sweet and soft. It didn't last long before he pulled away, resting his foreheads on mine.

His head hurting like ever, he didn't dare opening his eyes yet.

It was just a dream, he thought.

His back was hurting from laying his this strange position, so he decided to finally open his eyes. But when he did, he saw legs. Legs that weren't his. He didn't even notice the hand that were now drawing slow pattern on the back of his neck.

He didn't want to move, too comfortable in this position.

But he had to.

Slowly, he lifted his head up, sitting now on his headboard. He still hadn't look at Harry, he knew that he was awake by his breathing.

He finally turned his head to the side, looking at Harry side profile. His eyes were peacefully shut, he was probably still asleep. He was so pretty when he was sleeping. His messy curl hanging on his foreheads, his pink lips, his hand still in Louis'. Everything about him.

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