A super beginning

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The next day at school I'm at my locker when Howie came running up to me. "Claire, I know you don't want to be a superhero yet but I made some designs for your super suit." He said handing me a notebook.

Looking through the notebook I see many designs. "How did you come up with so many designs Howie?" I asked confused. "They're designs from my dream dates with you." He admitted. I roll my eyes and see a red dress with long sleeves and a short skirt. "This one, if I add a few things it could be great." I say ripping the drawing out of the notebook, put it in my locker and started to walk to my class but I stop and turn to Howie "Howie, you have a very bright future in fashion designing." I say then walk off to class.

By the end of school I was at David's car to avoid him ditching me again with a little help from super speed but when he got to the car he didn't complain I guess my new superpowers earned me some respect.

But I really wanted to see what I did to David's car. Once he started the car a male voice came through the car, "C.A.R system activated." The voice said. David looked surprised "Did my car talk?"

"Well done, Sherlock." The voice said. This time David looked offended. "Did my rude car just talk?" He said. I look at David and smile "You like our new smart car I built?"

He looks at me with slight anger "You can build a smart car and couldn't leave out the sass." I gesture the car "A smart car is a robot and robots have feelings and emotions too, besides he can drive the car for us and no offence you aren't the world's best driver" I explain. "I run over three girlfriends, when are people gonna get over it." He says frustrated.

"Well it's not going to be the girls whose ribs, legs and arms you shattered." David isn't that smart but he knows when he loses an argument and he just drove home.

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