•Chapter 3: A New Home•

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Jacquelyn's POV

People started cheering and clapping. I grabbed a tissue and held it against my cut. I looked back at my parents to see them clapping and smiling too. I could tell they were shocked but supported me anyway. I walked over to Dauntless, and a guy patted me on the back. I sat down next to Beatrice.

"Hey, stranger." She said.

"Hey." I said.

(Time Skip)

I put the band aid over my cut. I followed Beatrice as we started walking out of the building. I quickly glanced back at my parents.

'I love you.' My mom mouthed to me. I smiled and we walked out of the building. The others cheered as we ran down the steps to outside. Everyone moved out of the way as we ran down the street. We stopped under the bridge as the others started to climb it. I walked over to a leg of the bridge and climbed up it like it was a ladder. When I got to the top, I climbed over it and stood up. I walked up to where everyone else was standing. Beatrice stood next to me. Everyone moved out of the way as the train came. We ran the same way as the train. I stopped and looked back to see Beatrice still standing there.

"Come on!" I shouted to her. She ran up to me and we ran together. Someone jumped up onto the train and opened the doors. Everyone started getting in it. I glanced back to see Beatrice falling behind. I slowed down and ran behind her. I pushed her forward and she grabbed onto the train. She got in, leaving me. I saw the end of the piece I was running on coming up. So, I ran faster and jumped at the last second. I grabbed onto the train and pulled myself in. I bumped into someone. "Sorry."

"You made it." The Candor girl said.

"Thanks for the extra push." Beatrice said.

"No problem." I said, out of breath.

"I'm Christina." The Candor girl said.

"Beatrice." Beatrice said.

"Jacquelyn." I said.

"Is it just me or are they trying to kill us?" Christina asked.

"I have no clue." I said, chuckling.

(Time Skip)

"Get ready!" A woman said. We walked over to the door and saw the others jumping out onto the top of a nearby building.

"They're jumping." Beatrice said.

"What?" Christina asked. Everyone else already jumped out. Christina looked at us. "Together?"

"Yeah." Beatrice said and I nodded. We walked back to the wall. "1, 2, 3." We ran and jumped. We landed, rolling on the ground. I grunted in pain. We sat up and looked at each other.

"Well, that was fun." I said. "Wanna go again?" We laughed.

"Alright, listen up!" I heard a guy say. We stood up and walked over to him. He stood on the ledge of the building. "I'm Eric. I'm one of your leaders. If you want to enter Dauntless, this is the way in. And if you don't have the guts to jump, then you don't belong in Dauntless."

"Is there water at the bottom or something?" An Erudite guy asked.

"I guess you'll find out." Eric said. "Or not."

"We just jumped." Christina said to me and Beatrice. "They want us to jump again?" Beatrice shrugged.

"Someone's gotta go first." Eric said. "Who's it gonna be?" No one spoke up. Well, someone's gotta go. It's now or never.

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