•Chapter 9: Get Your Head In The Game•

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Jax's POV

(Time Skip)

The plan was in motion. We all had out parts to play. We stopped behind a wall and waited.

"I can see them!" Someone shouted.

"Go! Go!" Someone shouted and the second team started. We watched flares fell near us and the shooting started.

"Follow me." Four said. "Go!" We quickly snuck around and hid. Four looked at me. "Go." I nodded and he walked off as I turned to Chris.

"Chris, come on." I said and we split from the group. We ran and hid before the other team saw us. I quickly snuck around the side because I saw Peter coming. I quietly snuck up behind him as he pointed a gun at Chris.

"Tell me if this hurts." He said.

"Why don't you tell me?" I asked, causing him to turn to me as I pulled the trigger. The dart landed in his shoulder, causing him to grunt in pain and fall to the ground. Chris shot him again and we ran off.

"That was awesome!" She said.

"I know right!" I said, laughing.

(Time Skip)

"Go, Jax." Chris said as we went up the stairs. "I'll guard."

"Okay." I said and kept going. I stopped in front of a hatch in the top. I opened it and someone started shooting at me. I pointed my gun out and started shooting at the person. Suddenly, I heard a click. They were out of darts. I peeked out to see Molly. I pulled my trigger, and I was out too. "Shit." I pulled myself up as she ran at me, and I kicked her back. She swung her gun at me, but I ducked and rolled under it. She swung her gun at me as I got up, but I caught it and I backhanded her, hard, causing her to fall to the ground. "Hey, Molly." She looked at me. "Sorry for the beating. No offense." I ran over to the flag and grabbed it. I ran out to the balcony and held it up. Everyone started cheering as Chris ran up to me. I held it out to her, and we held it up together. I laughed in victory.

(Time Skip)

"Great job up there." Chris said.

"Thanks." I said. "You did an awesome job too."

"Thanks." She said.

"Hey, Jax!" I heard behind me. I looked to see one of the guys from our team running up to me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Come with us." He said.

"Where to?" I asked.

"Shortcut back." He said. "A little initiation ritual, Dauntless style."

"Sure." I said. "I'll come."

(Time Skip)

We walked out onto a roof, and it was so beautiful from up here. I was in shock.

"Oh my gosh." I said. Tris would have loved this. I can't believe she's gone. Hopefully, her family took her back. I wouldn't want her to be living factionless. I heard something, so I looked and saw they had a zipline ready. The first guy went zipping until we couldn't see him anymore. Everyone turned to me.

"You're up." The guy said.

"Okay." I said, excited and nervous. A guy held his hand out to me. I chuckled and grabbed it. I can't believe I'm doing this. They helped me into the harness and strapped me in.

"Don't forget to pull the brake at the bottom!" One of the guys said.

"Okay." I said. "Thanks."

"You ready?" One said.

"Harness is good!" The other said. Then, they sent me flying, causing me to scream in excitement. All the buildings went by me like I was a bird flying through the sky. I held my arms out and felt the wind brush against my skin and clothing. I loved this part. The buildings were so close I could touch them. I saw the Ferris wheel and I smiled. I held onto my harness as I went through a hole in a building. Suddenly, I felt the zipline change and I let out a small scream as I started going down. Then, it changed again, causing me to let out a grunt, and I started going straight again. Suddenly, I was headed straight for a wall. Everyone started screaming for me to pull the brake. I looked back and reached for it. I grabbed it and pulled with all the strength within me. I stopped with my face an inch away from the wall. I sighed in relief as I felt my heart racing. I looked down at the others and they all started cheering.

"Whoo Hoo!" I yelled and then laughed in happiness.

(Time Skip)

"And then it just changed, and I was headed straight for a wall!" I said. "Luckily, I pulled the brake, but I was an inch from behind a squished fly on the wall! Literally!"

"That's so awesome." Al said as we walked back to the pit.

"I know right." I said.

"I'm gonna go find Will and Chris." He said.

"Okay." I said, nodding and he walked off.

"Jax!" I heard. I looked to see Four walking over to me. "Hey."

"Hey." I said, feeling awkward tension between us.

"Congratulations." He said.

"Thanks, Four." I said.

"You know, I wanted to say that you were really good tonight." He said. "You were brave."

"You were too." I said. "Especially when you climbed the Ferris wheel almost to the top." I chuckled a bit as I remembered how scared he was until he got to the top. "I mean, no one else would have gone that far up, besides us."

"Thanks." He said, chuckling a bit. Then, I felt the awkward tension again. "Anyway, you should get back to your friends."

"Alright." I said. "Thanks again, Four." He nodded and walked away. I smiled a bit and walked away to find my friends.

(Time Skip)

"If you're ranked above the red line, you move onto the second stage of training." Our leader, Max, said. "If you're below it, we'll waste no more time on you. Here are your rankings." As the names started to show up on the board, everyone started cheering. Will and Chris were way above the line. Finally, my name showed up. I was number 20 on the board, right in front of Al's name. I was above the line. We all were. I smiled in happiness and relief.

"You made it." Al said to me.

"You made it, Jax." Chris said. 

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