•Chapter 16: What The Hell's Going On?•

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Jax's POV

(Time Skip)

"Congratulations, new members of Dauntless." Max, our leader, said, causing everyone to cheer. Chris cheered and hugged me, causing me to chuckle.

(Time Skip)

Me, Chris, and Will were walking back to our dorms when we stopped beside everyone in the pit. They were all in lines.

"What's going on?" I asked, but got no answer in return.

"Alright, listen up!" Eric said from his spot on the stairs, and we all looked at him. "Before you leave tonight, I want you all in four lines. Everyone gets a tracking device. Don't ask questions. It's just a precaution." I saw people getting tracking devices in the neck. But something about this doesn't feel right.

"Do you guys see Four anywhere?" I asked.

"No." Chris said as I looked around for him. I didn't see him anywhere.

"What's going on?" Will asked. Then I realized what was happening.

"No, no, no." I said, running away to find Four in the crowd of people.

"Congratulations." Eric said, standing in my way, causing me to stop.

"Thanks, but I don't really have time to chat right now." I said, looking around for Four.

"I know." He said. "You should be first in line, but uh...I'll make it easy for you." Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I hissed in pain and gripped my neck. I looked back to see a guy with tracking device placer. The guy walked away, causing me to look at Eric. "Hurts like a bitch, huh? Now you're really one of us." He walked away and I walked away to find Four. But I couldn't find him anywhere.

(Time Skip)

I woke up to see everyone getting ready. I sat up and looked at Chris who was sitting at my beside.

"What's going..." I stopped myself when she stood up and looked at me with a blank expression. That's when I realized that something was terribly wrong. I threw off my covers as I looked around at everyone else. They were acting the same way too. I stood up as I felt a pain in my neck. I reached up to rub it and then I remembered the tracking device in my neck. "Shit." I quickly kneeled down and grabbed my clothes for today.

(Time Skip)

I followed Chris out to the pit as we all walked in a line. We joined into another line, and I saw Max walking by with Eric and two others.

"They see and hear us." I heard Max say. "They just don't process it the same way. Commands come in through the transmitter." We stopped as the line in front of us grabbed their guns off the table and kept walking. Suddenly, I noticed a guy who was acting normal. Holy crap...He's like me. I desperately wanted to tell him to stop and act normal, but I couldn't blow my cover. Then, I saw Eric walking towards him.

"Hey." Eric said. "Everything's fine. There's nothing to worry about." Eric took out his gun and shot the poor man in the head. I flinched a little at the sight of the dead man but luckily no one noticed.

(Time Skip)

They loaded us onto the train and that's where Iwas now. I looked around and then I noticed something. A man who looked likeFour. I knew it was him because the top of his tattoo was sticking out fromunderneath the collar of his jacket. I slowly moved between two people and thenstopped before anyone noticed. I saw next to me was Will. I snuck between himand another guy and stopped. The other guy looked at me but said nothing. Likehe didn't care, or couldn't care. Then, I noticed Chris in front of me. I snuckbetween her and two more guys and stopped again. Four was literally right infront of me. I snuck between him and another man and stopped right between the two,so I was standing right beside Four. I glanced at Four and saw him just staringat the back of the guy's head in front of him.

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