•Chapter 17: Sad Goodbyes•

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Jax's POV

(Time Skip)

The soldiers were pulling us along to somewhere when my left foot gave out, and I felt pain. I let out a yelp as the soldiers stopped.

"Jax!" Four said, looking at me as he tried to get free. "She's hurt!"

"I'm okay, Four." I said, the soldiers pulled me back up. "I'm okay." They pulled us into a house, and I saw Jeanine with her fellow Erudites. She looked at us with shock. She walked over to us.

"Tobias Eaton." She said. "And you, Jacquelyn. I thought it was intellect I was sensing in you."

"Maybe you're not as smart as you think you are." Four said.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. "They're innocent people!"

"Innocent people?" She asked. "Abnegation, if left unchecked, will destroy the faction system. Same can be said of both of you. Somebody has to stop you. If we don't, peace will be lost."

"It's already been lost." Four said. "You destroyed it."

"Human nature destroyed it." She said. "Those of us with the vision to see that are called upon to protect the rest. We will restore the peace. And this time, it will last."

"And if you're wrong?" I asked. "I mean, then the whole system will shut down no matter how many people you kill." She walked over to Four, ignoring my statement. She looked at the guards.

"Bring him with us." She said. She walked over to me and reached around me. Suddenly, I felt something poking into the bullet wound in my back. I let out a scream at the excruciating pain. My leg gave out and I fell to the ground.

"Jax!" Four shouted as he tried to reach me.

"She's injured." Jeanine said as she pulled her hand back and I saw blood on her finger. "Any results would be unclear." She looked at the soldiers standing above me. "You can get rid of her."

"Alright." The soldier said and I looked at Four with fear in my eyes. Not of death but of the fact that I'll never see him again. Suddenly, Four elbowed one of the soldiers, causing them to let him go and he grabbed Jeanine as she started walking away. The soldiers had to rip him off her and then one hit him in the back with their gun.

"Four!" I shouted. I tried to get up, but the soldiers held me down.

(Time Skip)

Jeanine went out of the house first, then the soldiers forced Four out and lastly, the one who was carrying me out of the house. Me and Four stared at each other as they forced him to the car and then the soldier carried me away.

(Time Skip)

They carried me over to a spot at the edge ofthe village and set me down on the grass, so I was laying down.

They carried me over to a spot at the edge ofthe village and set me down on the grass, so I was laying down

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