•Chapter 6: Training Day 3•

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Jax's POV

(Time Skip)

We were on a train to only God knows where, only Four knew.

"As Dauntless, we fight to protect every life inside the fence, without fail." Four said. "That's why we train you the way we do. To teach you not to give up." He glanced at me for a few seconds before looking away. "And to find out who has what it takes." I sighed and looked down at the ground. The train stopped and Four opened the doors. "Even though it's been quiet out there for years, that could change at any moment. So, we have to be ready for everything." We got out and walked through the open field over to the fence. We walked up the stairs and looked out at my old home. Amity.

"What's out there?" Tris asked.

"Monsters." Chris said. Tris chuckled.

"Amity farms." Al said.

"No, I know." Tris said. "But beyond that?"

"Places that never recovered from the war." Will said.

"Do you know, Jax?" Tris asked me.

"I don't." I said. "My parents never let me go outside the fence when they went to harvest. All I got to do was fix the tractors when they broke down." I got an idea and looked at Four. "Do you know what's out there?"

"Let's just say they built the fence for a reason." He said. I looked out at the view and sighed.

(Time Skip)

Next, we were throwing knives. And let's just say, it's the only thing I was actually pretty good at on the first try. I got all 3 knives into the target.

"You're kinda good at this." Chris said to me.

"Let's just say I threw a few tools at my big brother when he'd come to annoy me, if you catch my drift." I said, remembering all the tools he failed to dodge. She chuckled.

"That was pathetic." I heard Eric say. I looked to see him talking to Al. Al scoffed.

"It slipped." Al said, turning to our mentor.

"Well, go get it!" Eric said.

"What, while they're throwing?" Al asked, with a little fear in his voice.

"Are you afraid?" Eric asked.

"Of being stabbed by an airborne knife?" Al asked. "Yeah."

"Everybody stop." Eric said and everyone stopped. "Stand in front of the target." Al hesitated but walked over to the target. He turned to Eric. "Four, gimme a hand here." I crossed my arms over my chest, confused about what was happening. Eric walked over to Al. "You're gonna stand there while he throws those knives, and if I see you flinch, you're out." I glanced behind me and watched as Four picked up the knives off the table. I quickly turned back around before he noticed. "One thing you will learn here is that orders are not optional." Four stood beside me and Eric walked out of the way. I watched Al's body language and I knew he was gonna get kicked out. And I had a promise to fulfill to myself. I'm not gonna almost lose or lose any more friends. Not this time.

"Wait!" I said, causing Four to stop and everyone to turn to me. "Just because he can stand in front of a target, doesn't prove anything."

"Then it should be easy for you to take his place." Eric said.

"Sure." I said, uncrossing my arms, unaffected by his words. "Why not." I walked over to Al. "Go." He quickly moved out of the way, and I took his place, crossing my arms behind my back.

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