•Chapter 7: Training Day 4•

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Jax's POV

(Time Skip)

I walked into the training room and stopped in front of the board. My name is number 23. I was literally right under the line.

"First fight." I heard Eric say. "Peter versus Jax." Shit. I saw Peter already walking up onto the ring.

"It's Eric." Chris said as we were making our way to the ring. "He's trying to get back at you."

"Yeah, well...he's making progress." I said. Chris stayed behind with Tris as Four came my way.

"Hey." He said, grabbing my arm to stop me.

"What do you what?" I said, trying to pull my arm away, because I wasn't in the mood to argue with him right now.

"Remember what I said about attack?" He asked.

"Mmhmm." I said, nodding.

"First shot, right to the throat." He said. "And you watch him. He steps before he punches. Alright?"

"Yes, sir." I said, pulling my arm out of his grip. "Thanks." I walked up onto the ring. We got into our fighting stances.

"Alright there, Princess?" Peter asked, slowly getting closer to me. "Look like you're about to cry. Might take it easy on you if you cry."

"Come on, Jax." Chris said as Peter threw a punch at me. I quickly dodged it. I saw him step forward and I quickly threw a punch to his throat, causing him to grasp it and gasp sharply.

"Can't. I'll be wasting tears on you." I said. He threw another punch at me, but I quickly dodged it, going around him. I threw another punch at him, but he caught it and elbowed me in the ribs. He backhanded me, causing me to stumble but I held my ground. He punched me, hitting me across the face. He went to throw another punch at me, but I caught his arm and pinned it behind his back. I started kneeing his ribs but then he started punching mine, causing me to groan in pain. He picked me up by my arm and leg and threw me across the square. I started to get up, but he pushed me down.

"Get up." He said. "Get up."

"Come on." Eric said. "Stop playing with each other." I'd like to see you try, asshole. I got up and got back into fighting stance, but just as I did, he threw a punch into my cheek. I fell to the ground, feeling burned out. I looked up and saw what looked like Four walking away. I spit the blood out of my mouth and wheezed. I looked up at Peter, who was standing over me.

"Is that all..." I groaned in pain. "...you got?" I asked, wheezing. I saw him glance at Eric, and I felt pain in my face as everything went black.

(Time Skip)

I was at the dinner table. My mom was making some Tamales with Quesadillas, my favorite. Mateo walked in, causing Carlos to run up to him. Mateo picked him up and walked over to the table, sitting down with our little brother in his lap. My dad walked in and kissed my mother on the cheek. He walked over to the table and sat down as my mother walked over with our food. We ate, we talked, and we laughed. It was one of my favorite days at home. I miss it so much. I miss them.

Suddenly, my eyes opened, and I saw Chris and Will standing by my bedside.

"Wow." Chris said. "You look...look bad."

"Thanks for the complement." I joked, causing them to chuckle a bit. I looked around and noticed I was in the infirmary. "How long have I been out?"

"About a day." Will said.

"A day?" I asked. "What's my score on the board? What number am I?" They both looked down in sadness. "I didn't make it, did I?"

"You got below the line." Chris said, nodding. I sighed, but nodded. Then, I noticed they had vests on.

"Why do you guys look like you're going on a mission or something?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood. They looked at each other and then at me.

"War games." Will said and I started getting up.

"Whoa." Chris said, stopping me. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going with you guys." I said.

"You can't." Chris said.

"Eric says you're done." Will said.

"What?" I asked.

"He said you're out." He repeated. I felt like everything just fell apart.

"You're not the only one who got out today." Chris said, causing me to look at her. "Tris lost today too. She woke up before you, so they shipped her out just a few hours ago." Great, now I failed my promise.

"You're mother's on the council, Jax." Will said. "Maybe they'll make an exception and let you go home." I shook my head in anger and disappointment.

"We're sorry, Jax." Chris said.

"We gotta go." Will said. "We're gonna miss the train."

"Yeah, okay." Chris said and hugged me. "Bye."

"Bye." I said, trying not to sound sad as she pulled away. Will grabbed my hand and rubbed it. He gave me a sad smile and let go. He and Chris walked out, causing me to sigh. Now, what am I gonna do? I'm factionless. I ripped the wires off my hand, angrily, and laid back down on the bed, holding my hands on my forehead. I slammed my hands down on the bed, angry at myself as I tried to hold back my tears. I sighed in frustration. "Why? Why?! Why! WHY!" Why did this world hate me so much? What did I do to deserve this? I had no clue what to do in this moment. My life was over.

But then, I remembered something. I sat up as what Mateo said to me when he left home for the first time ran through my head.

"Mateo, what am I gonna do when I leave home?" 9-year-old me asked.

"Well, Jackie, you're gonna choose your faction." He said. "And it doesn't have to be this faction. It could be any faction. You can be anything you want to be. You can be an Erudite, or you can be Dauntless. It's not about who you are now. It's about who you wanna be." I was confused. He saw my expression and kneeled down in front of me. "For example, I not only wanna be a kind and peaceful person, I also wanna be an honest and fair man. I wanna give everyone a chance to be honest and care about what their honesty could bring to the people around them. Could it bring pain and sorrow, or could it bring forgiveness and closure? So, you see, Jackie, it's not just about who you are on the outside, it's about who you wanna be on the inside. You're strong, kind, caring, compassionate, but also, you're smart, honest, and...you never give up. That's why you are Jacquelyn Cruz, my amazing little sister. Never give up, Jackie. Never, ever, give up."

"I never give up." I said. I threw the covers off me and got up. I ran out of the room. 

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