•Chapter 8: The War Games•

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Jax's POV

(Time Skip)

I was running to catch up with the train. I had to get there. I had to. I saw someone peak out and see me. As I got closer, I noticed it was Four. I knew he wouldn't help me, because he barely wanted to help me in the first place. But then, I got the surprise of my life. He reached his hand out to me. I was shocked.

"You coming or not?" He asked. I reached up and grabbed it. He pulled me up onto the train and I landed on the floor. He helped me stand up.

"Thanks a lot." I said. He said nothing and walked away. I sighed in relief.

"Hi." I heard Chris say behind me. I turned around to see her, Will and Al.

"Hey." I said.

"What are you doing here?" Will asked.

"Eric can't say when I'm done, only I can." I said.

"Who let you out?" I heard Eric say. I turned to him.

"Me." I said.

"You did?" He asked.

"Mmhmm." I said, nodding.

"Okay." He said, surprising me. He looked at Al, then me and then walked away. Odd. Al looked at me and I shrugged. I looked over my shoulder and saw Four look at the floor, smiling a bit.

"Let's sit you down." Chris said. We walked over to the seats, and I sat down as Four came over and dropped bags on the floor.

"The game's simple." He said. "It's like Capture the Flag." Eric kneeled down and opened a bag, pulling out a gun and stood up, holding it in the air for everyone to see.

"Weapon of choice." Eric said.

"You call that a gun?" Molly asked, looking at Peter. Eric loaded the gun and pulled the trigger. A dart landed in Molly's leg, causing her to fall down, groaning in pain. Eric walked over and pulled the dart out of her leg.

"Neuro-stim dart." He said. "Simulates the pain of a real gunshot wound. Only lasts a couple minutes. Two teams. Four and I are captains."

"You pick first." Four said.

"Okay." Eric said. "Edward." I felt eyes on me, but I just looked down.

"I'll take the Princess." Four said, causing me to look at him.

"Oooh." Eric said. "Picking the weak ones so you've got someone to blame when you lose."

"Something like that." Four said.

(Time Skip)

My team was running through an alley way, to find somewhere to make our plan.

"Where did Eric's team go?" Chris asked.

"They must have gone to the end." Will said. We stopped and Four pulled out an orange flag that glowed in the dark.

"Alright." Four said. "Lights off. Gather around. Come on." I turned off my light as Four walked over to us. "Okay." He looked at Al. "What's your strategy?"

"Uh, we can hide the flag well enough so they can't find it." Al suggested.

"Let's send out a team to scout their location." Will said. "See if we can find their flag."

"I say we blitz them." Someone said. "Just beat them with sheer force."

"Yeah, that's the best way to lose quickly." Al said.

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