Team UP [PART 3]

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Jonathan's P.O.V
"Mr. Joestar" I turned my head to avdol, who called my name.

After we separated from the others the only remaining members of our group were Me, Alucard, Avdol, that Smoker guy, and this Tashigi lady with whatever few marines remained with them.

"Yes, If I remember correctly. Mr. Vergo's office should be 5 minutes away....." I Said.

"Mr. Vergo? Why the hell are you calling him that?" Smoker asked with a raised brow.

He's right. Why do i still show respect to a man like Vergo? From what I was told by Trafalgar, he's a horrible man. Yet, I still can't bring myself to believe a kind Gentleman like him is truly evil. He can't possibly be like... Him.

An image of a blond man appeared in my head. I closed my eyes. Trying to remove him from my mind... for now.

"You're right. He's our enemy. And the crimes he committed cannot be forgiven" I spoke up with confidence.

The sound of footsteps was heard as several individuals wearing similar protective yellow suits like the ones we wore, stopped in front of us.

"Get them!" Many of them ran at us with swords in their hands.

"Well, these insects should entertain me for a while....." Alucard said, with a smile on his face.

He pointed the gun at the men.

"Everyone! Prepare to fight!" Tashigi ordered. The marines yelled before they followed her and smoker to fight.

We followed them without hesitation. Engaging the men in yellow.

One of them swung his blade at me, which I easily Dodged before delivering a swift punch to his gut, sending him flying into eight others. Knocking them unconscious.

I quickly turned around and delivered a kick to another who attempted to attack me from behind.

Both Smoker and lady Tashigi were quickly dispatching of their attackers using their weapons, with tashigi using her sword while smoker used his..... Stick? I honestly don't know what to call it.

Alucard on the other hand didn't move at all. He merely stood there.

Three of the men ran up to him, they probably thought he was a coward or a wealking.

But of course, whatever faith they had of killing him was cut short and dropped dead when he pulled out his gun. Easily shooting them like animals.

But to my surprise, he didn't shoot them anywhere lethal, that would kill them. Instead he aimed for the legs and arms.

"They're... Still alive?" I muttered as the men screamed with tears in their eyes. One of them rolling on the ground.

"Of course. Y/n told me not to kill anyone after all" Alucard said. A small frown could be seen in his features.

My attention was shifted from him when Avdol Shouted the name of his Stand as he called it. Summoning the humanoid red figure with a bird head.

The stand opened it's mouth, conjuring a ball of fire before it released it, scattering into multiple tiny flame spheres, burning multiple of the men in different areas of the body but also burning one marine's hat in the center.

"Hey, Hey, what the hell was that!?" The one marine who's hat now had a big hole in it's center, shouted.

"Where did that fire come from?"

"C-Captain! What's wrong?" One of the marines shouted. I turned my head to see that I wasn't the only one who was looking at Avdol and his stand.

Both Smoker And Tashigi stopped attacking and looked back in surprise. Unfortunately for them, Avdol's stand vanished. But not before they caught a glimpse of it.

Instead of wasting though, smoker turned his gaze forward spotting more men in hazmat suits heading for us.

Y/n's P.O.V
"L-Look, man. I'm just the guy who makes everyone their coffee. I-I don't know where Cesar is, I swear!" The only remaining member of the men that attacked us, spoke. After dealing with his pals we decided to use him for interrogation before Ban kicked his teeth in.

"Do you really think we're that dumb?" Ban asked. He held the man by his neck in the air.

"Okay! I lied. I'm the guy who cleans up the toilets......." He said, gasping for air as ban tightened his grip.

"This is pointless. Ban, kill him" I Spoke Up. Making everyone look at me with wide eyes.

"What?" Meliodes asked. Shocked at the order I gave our spiky-haired fellow.

I turned to look at Him, Zoro and Robin who stood a few feet behind me before winking.

"You heard me! If he's not going to be of any use then screw him!" I whisperd. Turning my attention back to ban who raised a brow in confusion.

"Well, i guess he's not gonna speak....." Zoro said with a shrug. As he joined in on the act.

"Yeah, but at least he'll get to die a loyal man to his people." Robin joined.

"But it's not like any of them are going to know that......." Meliodes chimed.

Ban gave a toothy grin as he finally understood what we were doing before tightening his grip on the man's neck.

"W-Wait! What are you doing?!" The man asked.

"You heard him. Goodbye...." Ban said as he spent the next few seconds trying not to actually kill the man.

We eventually heard what seemed to be the man saying something, we honestly couldn't understand thanks to all of the drool and saliva he was choking on.

"Wa...... I'll spa" He said.

"What? We can't hear you?" Meliodes said putting a hand next to his ear.

"...... S-Spea"

"You are speed?" Zoro asked.


"You want to go to the spa? That's quite inappropriate In a time like this, Mr. Guard" Robin said. A small frown on her face.

"I'll fUCkiNg SPeaK yOu cUnTs!!!" The man shouted with whatever breath he had left.

"See? Was that so hard now?" Ban sang as he released his grip. The man gasped for air. Tears in his eyes, just happy to be still alive. I honestly felt a bit bad for what we did to him..... Until I remembered what kind of shit they did to those kids in this place.

"So, about Cesar's location....." I trailed off.

"Yeah, yeah. Cesar is in his little maniacal lab, just go forward and you'll find him, big ass door, you won't miss it" He said.

"There ya go! Was that so hard?" Ban asked patting him on the back of the head with enough force to slam his head with the metal floor. Knocking him out..... At least I hope he is.

"Is.... Is he dead?" Zoro asked.

"Hold on a minute" I said as I checked for a pulse. "Nope! He's still alive. Maybe he got a concussion but that'll be honestly the best outcome for him".

Everyone looked at me in silence as I stood up.

"What? I'm speaking from a place of experience. Anyways, we should get moving before this Cesar dude decides to get away" I said. Everyone nodded before we made our way to the Lab.

Howdy there. Sorry about the delay, this chapter was supposed to come out 3 weeks ago, but due IRL shiz getting me more busy I had to delay it. Anyways, I'll try to release the next chapter this same week (hopefully) Also, I have no memes today unfortunately (thank God) instead, you may have a not so funny dark joke.
What's the difference between this story and a black dad? One of them keeps returning.

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