Lit Meeting

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Shisui's P.o.v
"This Place Is Hoooot~"Ban Said Making Me Look At Him While We Walked.

"Yeah We Did Pick The Hot Side..."Judeau Stated Sarcastically.

"This Island Has Quite The Strange Weather?"Avdol Spoke Up Making Me Move My Gaze Towards Him.

"Well What Did You Expect?, There Isn't Anything NOT Weird In This World"I Chuckled Although Part Of Me Felt Like We Were Being..... Watched.

We Finally Arrived At A Gate That Had Multiple Warning Signs On It, But The Gate, It Was..... Sliced In Half?.

"It's Been Recently Cut..."Judeau Said As He Inspected The Gate.

"So We Aren't Alone After All?"I Asked.

"This Should Be A Nice Time Killer"Ban Said With A Smile On His Face Before Avdol Spoke Up.

"We Need To Be Careful, Remember We Just Enters The New World So Letting Our Guard Down Could Be Our One And Last Mistake"He Said As We Nodded.

"Wow?, I Like His Way Of Thinking"I Thought Before We Walked Through The Open Gate And Into A Molten City And To Say It Was In Ruins Would Be An Understatement.

"What Do You Think This Place Is?"I Asked While Looking Ahead.

"Maybe People Used To Live Here Before...... Whatever The Heck Happend Here"Judeau Said, I Opened My Mouth To Speak Up Only To Hear Ban Shout.


"W-What?"Avdol Asked Obviously Taken Aback By His Sudden Yelling.

"LEEEGS!!"He Yelled Again.

"Are Your Legs Itchy?"Judeau Asked With A Raised Brow Before He Pointed To Our Left, We All Turned Our Heads And Looked Only To Indeed See A Pair Of Legs Running At Us, And I Honestly Couldn't Even Muster A Word.

We Then Heard A Male Voice Yell At Us Along With The Sound Of Footsteps.

"Get Back Here!!!".

And When The Sweaty Shirtless Figure Stopped He Looked At Us With Wide Eyes And We All Returned The Gesture, Aside From Ban Who Captured And Tried Choking The Pair Of Legs.

And When The Sweaty Shirtless Figure Stopped He Looked At Us With Wide Eyes And We All Returned The Gesture, Aside From Ban Who Captured And Tried Choking The Pair Of Legs

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????? P.o.v
"So They Encounterd The Straw Hats?, But Who Are These People?"I Thought As I Looked Down At Them From Above.

"That's All The Information I Can Gather Here, Now To The Other Group.."I Stated In My Head Before Heading To The Other Side Of The Island

Y/n's P.o.v
"So That Is Your Plan?"I Asked Meliodes Who Nodded Happily.

"Yup!, If We Separate We Can Cover More Ground..."He Said As I Looked At The Others For Their Opinion.

"I'm Fine With What You Guys Decide"Jonathan Said With A Smile On His Face.

"I Don't Care....."Alucard Said With A Bored Expression.

"Zzzzzzzzzzz............."Gintoki Snored Loudly On The Ground As I Sighed.

"I Guess We Don't Have A Better Plan?"I Shrugged As Meliodes Smiled.

"Well I'm Taking Alucard, You Guys Take Care!, We'll Meet Back Near The Ship In Two Hours"He Yelled Back Towards Us While Walking Away Along With Alucard.

"Let's Go Jonathan...."I Said As Both Me And Him Started Walking Away With The Unconscious Gintoki On His Shoulders.

????? P.o.v
As I Stared At The Second Group I Felt A Small Smile Make It's Way Onto My Face.

"That's All The Information I Need For Now, Time To Report Back To Cesar...."

I'm BACK!, I Hope No One Missed Mah Cringy Ass, And Speaking Of Cringe, I Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter I Apologize If It's Short But It's Just A Set Up Don't Worry The Next One Will Be Longer (Pasue) And Until Next Time.
Peace Out!.


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