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????? P.o.v (One Week Ago)
"argh!"a grunt escaped my lips, I couldn't move a muscle the entirety of my Body felt like it was broken to pieces Except for my Arms, it feels as if though I'm on the ground laying down, I then felt a hand touching my face.

"Is he Okay?"a deep yet kind voice asked.

"Yes he's just passed out here help me carry him Dear"another Feminine voice spoke up as I felt my self being lifted up from the ground and onto someone's shoulder.

????? P.o.v
I was doing paper work in my office ever since the war of the Best Two Years ago Nothing Much Has happened espically Here in Sabaody, and hopefully it stays that way.

"Captain! Captain!"one of the marines shouted as he ran into the room with a panicked expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"I asked while raising a brow he took a moment to catch his breath before speaking up.

"One of our soldiers who was sent to watch and report any pirate activities has alerted us that the straw hats are back!"my eyes widend as he finished talking.

"ASSEMBLE ALL THE SOLIDERS!"I shouted as I got up and left my office I started heading out while many of the pacifistas started following me.

"I want all forces at groove #46!"I shouted as all the soldiers got in place.
"We must not allow the straw hats to escape this time fate has brought them to us, to deliver justice to those Filthy Pirates do you Understand!?".

"YES CAPTAIN SENTOMARU!"all of the marines shouted in unison.

"YES CAPTAIN SENTOMARU!"all of the marines shouted in unison

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"Then let's head out!"I ordered as they all moved in lines.

"This Time You Won't Escape Straw Hats!".

????? P.o.v(Present day)
It's been a week since I've stayed with the two people who helped me and now it's time to leave to Find HIM, I entered the town I thought many people would look at me oddly because of my choice of clothing but surprisingly all of them weren't even paying attention, I kept walking until I heard Two people arguing.

"Hey moss head!"one of the two guys said.

"I can't believe someone could be such a moron with directions!" the suit wearing man said

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"I can't believe someone could be such a moron with directions!" the suit wearing man said.

"Huh? Who do you think you're talking to, Mustcahe Eyebrow?"another voice spoke up.

"Huh? Who do you think you're talking to, Mustcahe Eyebrow?"another voice spoke up

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"It's not my fault that all these streets look the same!"he said.

I continued walking in the opposite direction when we passed by eachother I glanced at them one of them he had green hair and wore some Japanese clothing while the other, had blonde hair and wore a black suit with a yellow vest.

I continued walking until I reached a ship with a pig on the flag and the words the Boar Hat on top.

"It's just like HE Described it, now all I have to do is wait for Their Return"my line of thought was interrupted as a huge explosion appeard near the town I was in a few minutes ago.

"Looks like I won't have to wait for long?"I stated as i got aboard the ship.

Why howdy there everybody it's been a while to be honest I was being lazy You Know Me, But don't worry I'm back for good now, Anyways who is this mysterious figure and what is he up to and what did you think of the chapter don't forget to tell me your thoughts in the comments and until next time.

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