(11) War games

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Arabella pov~

Tris came into the initiates room minutes after we all started changing.
"There she is!" Christina called out as we all start clapping and cheering.
"You do have a death wish!" I spoke as Christina sat her down. I sat beside her looking over her ear to seethe damage. She really had got off lucky.
"I can't believe you said that to Eric." Will said smiling at her.
"Look at your ear, let's get you cleaned up." Chris said as Molly started walking over.
"Hey tris." She spoke as the room went quiet.
"That was cool." Molly said walking away.
"Thanks." Tris said slightly shocked. Everyone went back to their things finishing changing.
"Impressive stuff. Congrats." Peter spoke and a voice behind us tells him to shut up.
"What, hey your famous. I mean not because of the thing with Eric. Your in the news. Listen. The recent transfers of Caleb and Beatrice prior, children of Andrew prior call into question the soundness of abnegations teachings. What prompted them too leave?" Tris began walking to her things as Peter continued.
"Perhaps the answer lies in the corrupted ideal of an entire faction, the theft of resources, the general incompetence and the abuse of their children." I stoped dead still at the last one Will and Christina noticing me freeze.
"Did they beat you? Like Marcus Eatons kids?" He asked side eyeing me. I scowled.
"They didn't beat anyone. They're good people." She spoke not realising living proof was next to her that not all of them were good.
"Right. And that's why you left?" She scoffed walking out." Everyone followed done with our things as Peter asked if it was something he said. Al grabbed my elbow to stop me from chinning him. Meeting up with tris we walked around the compound noticing erudite leadership and guards walking around. Jeanine Mathews stopped looking to us.
"Prior. You're Andrew priors daughter, Beatrice. And you're Arabella Eaton." She said as we turned to face the blonde woman.
"It's just Tris and Bella now."
"I like that." She moved her hand looking at the tattoo on Tris's collarbone. Her eyes flicked to my visible waist where my roses ended as well.
"You both made impressive choices, despite your parents, and your test results." I tried to hide my slight panic as I spoke.
"You have seen our test results?" I asked.
"Of course. I'm glad too see you're smart enough to know your own minds. Let me know if you ever need anything." She spoke before walking off into an enclosed area.
"Well that was weird." Christina said as the door slid shut.
"What do you think is going on?" Al asked. We turned to Will knowing he would have an answer.
"They are hunting divergents. That's all they talk about at erudite these days." He answered. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as we started walking off.
"Wait, divergents are real?" Al asked confused. Christina was quick to dismiss him.

We ate quickly before going to the training room to get in some extra practice before our fights. Tris was in 22nd, one spot below the red line. Al was no where near the line and I was worried for him. He was my friend and I didn't want to loose him. I didn't want to loose either of them. Eric wasn't a fan of Al or Tris so them being below the line was his way to fast track them out of dauntless.
"First fight. Peter versus Tris." The leaders voice called out.
"It's Eric. He's just trying to get back at you." I spoke and Christina nodded. Peter stepped in the ring as I glared at him. He winked at me as he turned to Molly and his goons.
Tris began walking over to the ring a slight jitter in her hands, tainting her confident facade. Four latched onto her arm appearing, seemingly from nowhere. They exchanged a few words and nods before tris took a deep breath and headed onto the mat.
They took their stances as Peter began taunting Tris.
"You alright there stiff? You look like you are about to cry." He mocked and her face immediately soured.
"I might take it easy on you if you cry." He smirked as he spoke, nearing Tris with every word. She noticeably narrowed her eyes.
"Come on tris!" Christina called form beside me. Peter took this as an opportunity to strike but Tris managed to dodge his blow and noticed his feet go to step. She swiftly jabbed hitting his throat making him gasp and gag slightly. He sung meekly and she blew past his hands going for him again but he blocked it. He elbowed her before swiftly backhanding her. She stumbled back looking dazed.
They held eye contact before he landed a harsh punch to her nose spinning her and pushing her to the floor. Blood seeped from her nose as her eyes fixed on four leaving. She was to fixated to notice Peter looming above her. One last kick and she was out cold. I rushed with Christina to grab her, sending sharp looks to both Peter and Eric.

Arabella Eaton  (Eric x oc)Where stories live. Discover now