(8) Visiting day and rumours

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Arabella POV~

I woke up normally, for the first time in years. Warmth from behind me alerted me to the presence of another. I turned to look at Eric. His hair was slightly out of place. I shifted in his lap so I was now straddling his lap. I ran my hands through his hair causing him to stir. His eyes opened slowly and he looked up at me. I was only slightly above his eye line but it was enough.
"Sorry for waking you I was just trying to fix your hair." His lips curled into his infamous smirk.
"If you wanted your hands in my hair just ask." He winked and then we both burst out laughing. I relished in the lack of tension knowing it would be short lived. I climbed off him carefully before offering him a hand up. He gratefully took it and stood.
"We should go to the pit, your parents are probably wondering were you are." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Oh don't worry they won't be coming." I laughed slightly but set off to the pit anyways.
"Why won't they be here? Your top of your class shouldn't they be here to congratulate you and tel you they're proud." I didn't mean what I said next but he had no idea how much it hurt him talking about my parents.
"Look Eric, my parents aren't coming. My mum died when I was six. And my dad. My dad isn't coming either. The last thing he would be is proud. Do me a favour and stop assuming you know anything about me." I snapped. His eyes went wide but he kept walking beside me.
"Sorry." I whispered feeling guilty.
"I'm sorry about your parents. I didn't mean to assume. My dad left when I was born. My sister and mum died in a house fire the year I transferred." I held his hand giving it a squeeze of reassurance. The buzz coming from the Pitt made me let go of his hand. Once I graduated you could be in a relationship with who ever you wanted but and initiate leader relationship was forbidden. We made our way down and went our separate ways. I found tris with her mother and father. Her brother was no where to be seen though.
"Hey tris." I waved to her as I made my way over.
"Mum, dad you remember Bella." I smiled holding my hand out to shake. Her mother ignored my hand and hugged me tightly.
"Lovely to see you again dear. How have you been keeping yourself?" Natalie was a kind woman. She was like a second mother to me.
"I'm great thank you mrs prior. How's abnegation doing?" She looked to Andrew who shrugged.
"Alright thank you. Though we all miss you both very much. Have either of you heard from Caleb?" She looked hopefully. Caleb and I weren't as close as tris and I but we still spoke often.
"I'm afraid not mum." She smiled sadly.
"Oh and Bella I think your father is here to see you." I shivered thinking about him being here.
"If you will excuse me. It's been lovely speaking to you both." I sped off trying to find four when an all to familiar hand grabbed me.
"Hello Arabella." I spun round and the sight of him threatened to bring tears to my eyes but i bit them back down
"Father. Why are you here?" I tried to myself calm.
"Is a father not aloud to see his children?" He smiled evilly. I looked desperately for four or Eric or even tris. Anyone to help me but no one was in sight. We were gradually getting closer to the chasm.
"No one will save you this time! You embarrassed me in-front of everyone just like your brother. This here's a personal thank you!" He yelled and punched me hard. I was powerless. No matter the training or my strength. I will always be afraid of him. Blow after blow came.
"No one will ever save you." He called preparing to push me over the edge. But as he did voices called out from behind him.
"Bella!" Eric and four called. I opened my eyes and went to call for them but as I did he let go. Just as I started falling an arm held onto me pulling be back up.
"Hold on tight." He spoke softly as he pulled my shaking body from over the railing. He brought me back above ground and hugged me tightly. I had completely forgotten about Tobias and my father who were behind us. I heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh and panicked. Eric quickly reassured me it was Four hitting Marcus and sending him on his damned way. I looked to four who stood tense and I hugged him.
"Thank you." I whispered holding him tight as he remained rigid.
"Ok I am lost." Eric spoke breaking us from the hug.
"She is my little sister and that was my father." Four spoke calmly not looking to him.
"Yeah. I'm two years younger than him. But you probably guessed that." I laughed awkwardly. Four new something was up with Eric and I.
"How did you guys find me? I couldn't see you anywhere."
"I was looking for you actually and I found tris. When she told me you were with your dad I thought something was up. You said your dad wasn't coming so I wanted to make sure you were okay. Four passed me on my way to you. He was looking for you too. And when I told him he flipped. Now I see why." Eric explained.
"And with that, it's dinner so let's go eat yeah?" Eric asked. Four and I looked to our stomachs.
"I could use some food." I said as my stomach rumbled loudly. They both laughed. I walked in first with them following a minute later. No one else knew we were siblings (except tris) and we would like to keep it that way. I sat down in between al and will.
"Did ya miss me. God dinners must be so boring without me." I laughed. My meal was a burger with salsa and hash browns.
"Gotta say tris, I don't miss abnegation food." No one responded.
"Are you sleeping with four?" Christina asked accusingly. I almost spat my food out.
"Dude what the fuck makes you think that?!" Al looked at me in disgust. Will and tris seemed sympathetic. Tris looked betrayed.
"There's a rumour going round everywhere. Peter and Molly saw you leaving his apartment. And people say they here moaning down that corridor a lot." The second part hurt cause I knew that was Eric.
"Wait so everyone thinks this?" The table nodded.
"Tris I'm pissed at you most not going to lie." She looks hurt. I roll my eyes and get onto the table standing up.
"OK! Clearly I am going to have to clear the air here. FIRSTLY, I AM NOT! Sleeping with any of the leaders or instructors.Secondly, I have insomnia! Meaning I can't sleep and when I do sleep I have night terrors. SO UNLESS you all want to be woken up at ungodly hours of the night from screaming. I suggest you get your heads out of your asses and stay out of other people business. I thought erudite were the nosey ass faction. Clearly we have some imposters!" I called angrily before jumping of the table and going to walk out.
"Oh and guys especially tris, Don't talk to me again." I said leaving the mess hall. I just started walking not knowing where I was going. I soon found myself on the roof top. Mine and Eric's place. Hell. He probably brought girls up here all the time. Probably had a few where I was sat.
"Gross." I whispered standing up. I turned to leave to see a sympathetic looking Eric.
"No offence Eric but I want to be alone right now." I said walking past him. He didn't bother stopping me either he just let me go. Sleep was the last thing on my mind tonight.

Arabella Eaton  (Eric x oc)Where stories live. Discover now