(2) Introductions

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Arabella's pov~

We made our way from the jump into the dauntless faction itself.
"This is the pit, the life of dauntless, to your left is the food hall, this here is the chasm. A daredevil jump will kill you, I've seen it happen." He said coldly moving on.
"This is where you'll be staying transfers. Jamie and Angelina are going to take the dauntless borns to there sleeping quarters." Eric said. His eyes scanned the crowed and we locked eyes for a second. He shot me a nasty look before continuing his glances.
"Now choose a bed and get changed there are clothes under your bed find something that fits. We will give you your boots once your done.
"Who girls or boys?" An erudite boy asked.
"Both." Eric chuckled. I walked into the corner with tris and Christina. Two boys made their way next to us,both similar in looks except one was larger.
"I'm will."said the smaller of the two.
"Al." The other spoke. Will was from erudite whilst al was from candor.
"Hurry up!" Eric called stepping into the room,my shirt was off revealing a little to much of my body. Christinas mouth gaped slightly.
"Wow would you look at that, and I thought your face was ugly." Peter a Candor spat after Catching a glimpse at me.
"Fuck off you dimwit, what transfer to dauntless because you weren't smart enough for erudite. And couldn't stop lying in Candor. Not that I'm surprised. Half the faction less population are smarter than you." I spat and everyone burst out laughing. Four walked into the room looking to see why everyone was laughing. His eyes met mine and I could of sworn I saw a glimpse of guilt before his face flashed back to stone.
"Stop staring initiates we don't have all day!" He called. I thanked him in my mind. I didn't need everyone looking at me. I quickly shoved a long sleeved black t-shirt on and some black jeans on. I let my hair flow down past my waist and walked out.
"Here." Four spoke passing me my shoes. I hadn't changed in height or in shoe size since he left so he passed me my size six and a half. Eric looked to him puzzled before turning back to the amity stood infront of him. He passed the boy his shoes and I left following him. I laced up my boots as tris and Christina came rushing out laughing.
"Oh my god dude! That four guy is kinda hot." Christina laughed poking at very pink tris. I gagged visibly.
"What?" Christina asked raising an eyebrow.
"He's my- he's not my type. I'd say Eric is defo better looking." They laughed pushing me before we made our way to the eating hall. I looked at the so called burger in front of me poking it with my fork like tris. Al and Will had come to sit next to us. Wil next to Christina and al next to tris. I sat next to Christina as a leader was sat on the far end of tris' side and I didn't fancy sitting next to them.
"What never seen a burger before?" Al asked laughing at the pair of us.
"No actually dumbass. We're from abnegation." I laugh. A tray gets sat beside mine and the same with tris. I look to see four and Eric sitting next to us. Tris next to four and Eric next to me. I groan.
"Anyways, so what was it like at erudite?" I ask will.
"Actually not that bad. Though school is a bummer. What about you two, how was candor?" Just as Christina went to speak a voice spoke from near me.
"Enough about your old factions. Your dauntless now." Four said. I laughed slightly and tris began speaking.
"How about you? Where you a transfer?" She asks and I almost spit out my drink. I start choking and Will has to try and help. I feel a large hand slap my back lightly coming from my left but I jump up not expecting the contact. The contact brings back memories I'd much rather forget. Everyone looks at me as I sit back down as far from Eric as possible which was difficult considering our tight gap.
"What makes you think you can talk to me?" Tobi spits. I scoff at his behaviour and tris continues.
"Must be cause your so damn approachable." She says and I laugh as everyone is silent. I quickly start coughing to try and stifle my laugh.
"Sorry." I mutter. The two leaders shake there head as we leave our table making our way to the beds.
"Bella, what was that about?" Tris asks once we're alone.
"You can't tell anyone this okay tris?" I trusted this girl with my life. She didn't know about my father but she knew I had a brother.
"That's my brother. Tobias." I say sadly. I hear someone clear there voice behind me and by the look on tris' face I know who it is.
"I'll see you in a bit tris." I said before turning.
"Hey tobi. Long time no see." I grimace.
"Look, I don't know what you were thinking choosing dauntless but you need to be careful." My brother says before leaving. He stops and turns quickly.
"Oh and bells, stay away from Eric." I stood there stunned. I walk to the dorm and make my way to the showers. I stand in a block and draw the curtain. I have a quick shower and get changed so I'm ready for bed. I slip into bed and fall fast asleep. Within what felt like seconds I'm straight back up due to my nightmare. I have tears streaming down my face. I stand and begin to walk trying to clear my head. I find myself at the chasm and I sit down dangling my feet of the edge.
"You aren't going to jump are you?" My brothers voice sounds.
"No tobi." I say. He comes over and sits next to me.
"Good." I smiled lightly.
"Why didn't you come back?" I asked sadly.
"I couldn't face him. I was a coward. I'm so sorry bells." He says sighing. I saw a rogue tear slip from his eyes. I wipe it quickly laying my head on his shoulder.
"It's fine, hey I'm a live tobi. That's what counts." I smile weakly. A small amount of peace washing over me.
"I'm glad I get to see you though, But I meant what I said earlier. If your anything like me you'll need to be careful." I didn't know what he meant by that so I quickly brushed it off.
"Why are you out so early anyways?" He asked putting an arm around me.
"Nightmares. They've been happening since you left." He rubs my arm slowly.
"Does anyone know about Marcus here?" I asked my voice barely above a whisper.
"No, and it's best no ones knows were related either." I nod slowly.
"Alsooo, tris thinks your fit." I wink at him and he chuckles deeply.
"I missed you bells."I tut slightly and his face hardens. "I mean it"
"I know, I missed you too, somewhat." I stifle a laugh before standing and we go our separate ways. I walk around the compound for a little bit trying to get my mind of the nightmare.

"Where's Tobias?" My dad stumbled towards me.
"He left for dauntless father." I shudder calling him that.
"What! This is all your fault!" He screamed charging at me. His bottle smashing over my back as I ran causing me to fall. Punch after punch kick after kick. I heard his belt buckle come undone and soon felt the cool leather smacking against my burning skin. That night was the worst night. The night I became completely alone.

Arabella Eaton  (Eric x oc)Where stories live. Discover now