Chapter 11

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"So... have you and Finn talked at all since your rendezvous a few weeks ago?" Lauren asks, the blood rushing to her head, making her voice sound pressed, as she lays upside down over the end of Charlie's bed.

Juliette shrugs and takes a big bite of the twizzler in her hand. "We've called a few times but like we both want to stay friends, we both think each other a great people and we had a good time but neither of us want to be tied down, particularly with Logan 'womaniser' Huntzberger's friend." Charlie rolls his eyes at her response,

"You are delusional, he's Australian and you are a sucker for tall brunettes with sexy accents, I totally bed that you will be falling into his arms next time you see him."

"Ye of little faith." Juliette laughed, throwing the twizzler stub at Charlie's face as he rests up against his pillows.

"I'm not into him like that! I am a strong independent woman thank you!"

"Girl, you are so Kat Stratford and he is so Patrick Verona and I totally need popcorn." Lauren quips, watching the twizzler fly above her head.

"And you are so totally Joey Donner, minus the head shots, but you've got the meddling down to a T." Juliette returns, causing Lauren to poke her tongue out at her, in an incredibly mature response.

"Did Emily recover from the return of Lorelai the original?" Charlie asks, thinking back to when Juliette's great grandmother came to visit, and the three teens had never seen composed Emily Gilmore be in any state of panic.

"I think the dog statues still haunt her because she flinches whenever we walk past any big dog." Juliette laughs.

Lauren looks at the clock on the wall, before abruptly getting up. "Shit! I am so late, I have dinner at James' house tonight with his family and I need to run and get ready!" Lauren, yells a goodbye out her window as she runs out the door of Charles' room in a state of blonde fury. The two remaining teens laughed heartedly at the single shoe Lauren left on the ground, knowing it would possible be staying in Charlie's bedroom for a year.

"I have to ask you babe. My grandparents are having a dinner for Rory and I to celebrate our academic achievements." Juliette shrugs, a little put out that here grandparents are making her actually attend Friday night dinner. "But Rory is bringing her ex-boo thang who is now her boo thang again, would you like to be my date?" Juliette asks Charlie

"A whole evening of watching the Gilmore dynamic, and see some potential drama and get to whisk you away like a princess. Uh, hell yeah I will be your date. You better get me a corsage though, and just so you know I don't put out on the first date." Charlie narrows his eyes at Juliette as he finished his acceptance, causing Juliette to throw her head back and laugh at her best friend's strange tendencies.

"My brother can't come to my swim meet next week because he has too many assignments, do you wanna take his ticket? Lauren has James' football thing so she won't be there." Charlie asks Juliette, while they are on the topic of creating plans.

"Spending half a day with my favourite Morelli's, sounds like a dream." Juliette clutched her heart and sighed dreamily, dramatising an afternoon with Catherine and Roberto Morelli.

"So you aren't just saying yes because you get to see a whole bunch of fit guys in speedos dripping wet?" Charles cocks an eyebrow.

"That may be a small motivator."

Friday evening came around too quickly for Juliette's liking. Supposedly this is supposed to be Juliette's evening to see her friends' family or sometimes to spend time by herself in the City of Hartford (not that Emily is entirely aware of that option) and while having Charles by her side is a comfort blanket that Juliette needs, an evening devoted to the academic achievements of Rory and Jules seems a little too much like the Brady Bunch for Juliette's liking.

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