Chapter 1

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"God you won't believe what heinous act is occurring this Friday night!"

Juliette Gilmore closed her locker door harshly, her curly brown hair that she inherited from her mother, swishing around as she abruptly turned to her two friends standing beside her,

"Lorelai Gilmore and her daughter are coming over for dinner."

The dirty blond-haired girl to Jules' left winced slightly at her friends tone. She was always trying to look on the positive side of things, much to the chagrin of her two friends.

"Jules, maybe it's not gonna be so bad, you know, you won't have the tension of other people at a holiday party and maybe you guys could get to know each other and bond! Maybe upgrade from Lorelai and her daughter, to my mom and sister?" The horrified look on the tall brunette boy's face only rivalled that of the girl in question.

"Et tu Brute?" The boy responded, "This woman had all the time in the world to be a mother to her twin sister, it's not so hard to fathom there would be some resilience Lauren."

    "Yeah, Charlie's is right, sorry Lala but Lorelai gave up any chances of a relationship when she ran away without me, it's not my job to make her feel better about herself. Besides, she's being forced into dinner because grandmother is going to pay for Rory to come to Chilton and Friday night dinners are how the Donna and the Dynamo are going to be repaying the G-rents. It's not as if she wants to see us." The grimace on Juliette Gilmore's face did not go unnoticed.

"Well my love you know that you are always welcome at my house should you manage to be excused from the torture, sometimes I think that my mother actually prefers you to me, her actual child!" Jules jabbed her elbow into Charles' side and he flinched away from her,

"yeah, mine too Jules you know that, and if the wicked witch of the west does anything to you then I might be out burning her house down but I'm sure my brother will let you in."

Jules smiled at her two friends before snaking her arms around both of their waists, "You two are the best, unfortunately I think I must stare the beast in the face, but let's put the house thing on the back burner for now."

Juliette looked down at her wrist watch as she gathered her bags from her car. The clock read the same 7:32 it did when she checked it as soon as she pulled up.

Mildly resembling a pack mule, Jules lugs all her bags up to the front door of the stone house with ivy snaking up the walls. Bursting in and dropping her never ending pile of bags and school supplies on the side of the hallway with the intent to take it up to her room later, her only thoughts being preoccupied with the fact that she was late for dinner and didn't let her grandmother know.

    "I am so sorry I'm late grandma, Miles was struggling a lot with his math homework today so I agreed to stay a little longer to help him with it and I didn't have time to call..." Jules let her sentence trail off as she noticed Lorelai and Rory sitting on the couch holding glasses of champagne across from her grandparents.

Jules straightened herself up and looked down at them, "Hello, I am so very pleased you were able to make it tonight."  Without allowing either of the two women to reply Jules quickly turned her attention to her grandparents, "I hope you two don't mind but I am going to quickly freshen up before dinner, I didn't have a moment after dance, it's been a jam-packed afternoon."

Both Emily and Richard looked upon their elegant and graceful granddaughter with pride obvious in their eyes to the other two estranges Gilmores as she left the living room. "She's just a remarkable young lady, only person I know that would tutor kids who need the extra help for free."

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