Chapter 7

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The rest of the year passed by so smoothly that Juliette was suspicious of the lack of drama she had been experiencing in her life. A new record since before the estranged Gilmores came back into her life.

The same could not be said for her sister, who made the unfortunate mistake of falling asleep with her boyfriend after the school dance and getting caught by both Gilmore women.

"I just don't understand why you and Lorelai are still fighting if you apologised?" Juliette inquired to her sister who was sitting with her on her bed. Rory caught the piece of popcorn that Juliette threw in her mouth before answering.

"Well, I suspect she's still pissed off that grandma was there considering if she does speak to me, she's been calling Dean narcolepsy boy." Rory threw herself against the red paisley bed sheets that Juliette has,

"How did things get so screwed up? Things were good and now no-one is speaking to anyone." Rory lets out a deep sigh, turning her head slightly to her sister, "You're finding this amusing!" Rory sits up suddenly, pointing an accusatory finger at Juliette who raises her hands in faux surrender.

"I'm not, not enjoying this." Juliette gives Rory a slight smirk who gasps in response,

"You are an evil evil girl who needs an exorcism!" Rory hits her sister over the head with the pillow in the shape of the sun resting on her bed,

"Hey hey hey, I need those brain cells!" Juliette yelps out, trying to move away from her suddenly physical sister.

"What about you? Have you spoken to narcolepsy boy?" Rory glares at her sister for the use of Dean's newfound nickname,

"No I haven't actually, I told him not to call for a few days." Juliette raised an eyebrow,

"And he listened to you?"

Rory shakes her head, "No he didn't." Juliette nods in approval, "Well he needs to man up and make it right, Lorelai is only mad at you because of the fight she and grandma had considering Grandma has already forgiven you." Juliette threw a piece of popcorn in the air, catching it in her mouth, "it's obvious what you need to do isn't it?"

Rory throws her hands in the air, "obvious to do what?"

Juliette laughs, "clearly a big dramatic gesture is necessary, she's a drama queen so she needs some pizzazz in her apology." She nonchalantly throws another piece of popcorn in the air while Rory looks at her with intrigue.

"What do you have in mind?"

Juliette shrugs slightly, "Well off the top of my head you could get flowers that spell out 'I'm sorry'" Juliette taps her chin lightly, "or you could hire some people dressed as elves to come up to Lorelai and sing an apology." Rory looks at Juliette gobsmacked, "How the hell do you do that? I have been sitting around trying to find a way for mom to forgive me for days and you casually come up with the most bizarre and plausible apologies that could work?" Juliette flashes Rory aa grin, "Well what can I say, I'm a great manipulator." The two laugh together and continue throwing popcorn back and forth at each other, cheering when one of them managed to catch it in their mouth.

"Have you spoken to Tristan since the dance?" Rory inquires.

Juliette shakes her head in response, thinking back to the night in question.

Juliette and Charles were dancing together, not in an elegant way that the two were taught from a young age for social gatherings. No, the two were a messy combination of flying limbs and erratic spasms that made the two of them laugh together boisterously. Lauren left the two of them about 5 minutes after the begun their strange form of dancing to go and dance with James. Leaving the two crazy people to entertain each other, which they were doing wonderfully.

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