Chapter 6

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The following morning Juliette finds herself walking to the local dance studio in Hartford. After spending the morning apologising to her grandparents for her behaviour and for running off all Juliette wanted to was clear her thoughts, and the best way she does that is through dance.

When Charles took Juliette back to his house, his parents were the most hospitable people they could have been without outright asking what was wrong. Even though Juliette hadn't felt much like talking, she managed to put on a watery smile and eat some of Catherine's infamous brownies, trying to fill herself up with chocolate to stop her mouth from blurting out all her problems. Some things are hard to talk about when one hasn't been able to quite internalise and sort through them, themselves.

The studio that Juliette finds herself in isn't flashy. Madam Loretta's dance studio has been the only studio that Juliette has gone to, no matter how much her grandmother offers to send her to more expensive studios; Madam Loretta's feels like home. The building itself is small, with only 3 large studios and 4 small ones, there was a constant flow of people throughout the building with classes and training running non-stop. Luckily for Juliette, Madam Loretta always seemed to know when she would need a private studio, it was like some freaky sixth sense she has.

Juliette drops here shoulder bag in the corner of the studio, braiding her hair in two as she moves to the bar to begin her stretches.

The music that Juliette played was slow, her movements reflecting the beat. She folded her body and twirled so much it was a wonder she didn't get whiplash from her braids hitting her around the face. With every leap and spin that Juliette does, she feels the weight move away from her shoulders. It is like gravity is starting to cease to exist as her movements wade through water. The more emotions that Juliette filters through her movements, free up space in her head until it all just washes away. There is nothing but the music and her.

When the song finished, Juliette lays on the ground of the studio, sweat pouring off of her as she tries to catch her breath. Despite her tiredness, this is the most alive she has felt in the past few days with all the familial drama. A brief moment of peace before Juliette must face a different kind of music.

"If you lay in the ground for too much longer dear girl, it will eat you whole." Juliette turned her head to the door where an older woman stood tall and strong, despite her age there was a posture of an old dancer. She was draped in various chiffon fabrics, looking like a Gypsy despite her obvious ballet upbringing.

"Madam Loretta, if this floor could eat children alive then you would have to have a very uncomfortable conversation with a police officer." The poised woman laughs at the wit of the young girl who still has yet to move from her spread Eagle position on the floor.

"Rough weekend ma chérie?" Juliette made no move to respond, just sighed loudly at the ceiling before finally moving into a seated position.

"Well, there is no place for sadness in this building of movement non?" Madam Loretta extends her long and extravagantly hand-carved wooden cane towards Juliette, "Allons-y, there is a beginners Jazz class that you can come teach, put all that young energy to use." Juliette grins widely at the elder lady. Jazz is exactly what she needs, high-paced and upbeat.

The class was small - only about 10 kids - but god it felt like there were a million of them. Juliette turns to her dance mentor, "You absolute sneak, you just didn't want to deal with hyped up kids on a Sunday morning." Madam Loretta doesn't say anything in response and turns to the kids. 

"Alright children, this is Juliette and she is going to be teaching your class today. Isn't that fun!" The kids all started cheering extremely loudly and Madam Loretta chuckles at the glare the Juliette sends her before walking out of the room.

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