Chapter 12

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It was a week into Juliette ignoring Rory. She had been ducking away from her in the hallway, and cancelling their end of school study plans and Juliette couldn't quite bring herself to get over her anger, no matter how much her sister looked like a kicked puppy. But Juliette had been able to keep her rage to herself, not quite blowing up on anyone just yet. Until after their last English literature class before the exams and Mr. Medina asked Juliette to stay behind. Juliette gave her friend's a panicked look as they exited the class before her. Sh bundled up her textbooks in her arms and moved to the front of the class. Standing in front of Mr. Medina as he leaned back on his desk. His blazer-clad arms crossed across his chest, in a way Juliette assumed was to look authoritative, but just looked uncomfortable to her.

"Is everything okay Mr Medina?" Juliette asked, not quite sure why he needed to speak to her.

"Well Juliette.." Mr. Medina stutters, letting Juliette know that she isn't going to like the next works out of his mouth.

"I'm sure you know by now that your mother and I are getting married and I want to see how you're feeling about that. I won't just be your teacher anymore, but you will be part of my family." Mr. Medina says, bile rises up in Juliette's throat and she attempts to croak out a response.

"Mr. Medina..."

"Max, you can call me Max when we aren't in class." Juliette takes a slow deep breath in before continuing

"Mr. Medina, I'm not sure what that woman has told you, but I don't have a mother. You have nice intentions but I'm not the child that you are marrying into the step father role of." Juliette didn't let Mr. Medina reply, but instead turned on her heel and hastily walked out of the classroom, trying to calm her rising temper. Sure, he was just trying to be nice and check up on Juliette, but the idea that her English teacher is so much more aware of Juliette's feelings than Lorelai has ever been was the tipping point of Juliette's bubble of rage. All would have been fine, if Juliette hadn't seen Rory waiting for her as she was on her red hot path.

"Hey Jules you okay?" Rory asked, and Juliette saw red.

"Don't act like you care. I just had our new step father ask me the same thing, and I thought to myself, wouldn't it be nice if I had a sister to actually care about my feelings and let me know about major life events that will directly affect me and my feelings."

"Jules..." Rory starts, trying to cut in and explain herself, but Juliette has opened up here rage and now she can't stop.

"I trusted you Rory, I trusted you to be my sister and I thought that we were getting somewhere, rising from the damned past we had, but it turns out you are every much as Lorelai as your namesake. Don't talk to me Rory. Enjoy the wedding, I assume I'm not invited but consider this my official no RSVP!"

Juliette turns away from Rory and does what she does best, she runs. Not letting Rory say anything to defend herself, and not looking back to see Rory's expression. She ran, out into the parking lot and into the silver car her grandparents had bought for her. The second the door slammed shut next to her, the tears spilled out of her eyes. The hurt that she feels stinging in her heart and showing in the gut wrenching sobs Juliette lets out.

Her own mother is getting married to Juliette's teacher and not only does Lorelai not want her to be apart of it, but Juliette's own twin sister didn't want her apart of it as well.

Juliette can't help the feeling of unworthiness that she feels, that she isn't wanted or deemed worthy enough to be part of the dynamic Gilmore girls' lives. Despite Juliette having chosen her family, and how happy she is with her grandparents and her friends' families, she couldn't help but always feel this hole missing in her heart, that was slowly being mended with the budding relationship growing between Juliette and Rory, but now the hole feels like a chasm, growing larger and larger and deeper than can be realised. Juliette wasn't sure how long she cried for, but by the time she had collected herself, she could see students start to trickle out of the Chilton building and Juliette immediately drove off, not wanting to see anyone, and not wanting to face the consequences of ditching class.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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