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Full Name: Mirage the Dire Wolf

Blood Type: -O


Backstory: After cutting ties with her sister and old friends, Mirage movies to Green Hill to live a quiet life without any drama

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Backstory: After cutting ties with her sister and old friends, Mirage movies to Green Hill to live a quiet life without any drama. During which she would start working on her own company in selling hand crafted jewelry. It's a small company, but it brings in money.

Partner: Ronan The Winter Fox

Friends: The Dark Squad, Big the Cat, Cream the Rabbit, and Cheese the Chao

Power: Cogitokinesis. You can manipulate the thoughts of a person. You can manipulate people into making decisions and choices. Maybe manipulate someone into falling for you if you're toxic. Maybe you can help people who like each other to make the painful process of them getting together much easier. This power also may have people not trust you or make them go insane as whatever thought they have might not be their own anymore thanks to you. This does have some other drawbacks, like causing hair or fur to turn white.

Family: Lilith the Dire Wolf

Gender: Female (she/her)

Sexual preferences: Polyamorous and Pansexual

Accomplishments: Starting her own company, certified therapist, and finding the love of her life

Likes: Suits, Makeup, cuddles, Ronan, being the wine aunt figure to Cream and Cheese, and helping people find their purpose

Dislikes: Eggman, people who go through pointless villain arcs, egotistical characters, Shadow's negative attitude, Rouge stealing her jewelry, and her entire family

Books she's in: None right now, will be in a story soon.

Voice Actor: Leah Clark

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