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Full Name: Ace Spades

Blood Type: None


Background: Once a regular doll sitting in a glass case, Ace was a pretty thing that watched nothing but her creator walk around his office

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Background: Once a regular doll sitting in a glass case, Ace was a pretty thing that watched nothing but her creator walk around his office. Screaming, shouting, and arguing with everyone in his toy factory. However, after witnessing his su!cide in his own office(and her case stained in his blood), Ace was off on her own to uncover the reason why he would do such a thing. Become a small voice and detective within the factory. She's also very wicked in poker.

Family: None, she was the first toy to be created of her design. No other toy was based on the original design for her as it was all burned by her creator in order to keep how she was made a secret from other manufacturers and rivals.

Gender: Demi-Girl. She's made to be a girl, but isn't biologically one. So if you're mad about her gender, you can't bring science into the equation!

Sexual Preference: She's a doll... made for children.

Powers: She doesn't have any other than a doll coming to life. She is just as intelligent as her creator once was.

Accomplishments: None at the moment as to not spoil anything.

Likes: Her creator, her case, the accessories that came along with her creation, her outfit, reading books she'd read whenever no one was around, and all the photos of her creator's family.

Dislikes: The people arguing with her creator, whoever those "lawyers" were, the police searching through the office, and being small.

World They're Apart Of: None.

Books In: The Ace of Spades. Yet, to be published.

This is just a rough draft for the character. Everyone else after Ace will be oc's for future books or oc's I've created for fun. Barely any of them will have relationships with other characters.

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