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Full Name: Grace Merryweather

Blood Type: Red


Backstory: After committing a sin to protect a mere human

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Backstory: After committing a sin to protect a mere human. Grace was casted out from Heaven. Never to return. She didn't care, she had her friend. Who she cares for and is willing to protect her immortal life with.

Partner: None

Flings(one time thing, nothing sexual): Sebastian Michaelis

Power: Flight, Seduction, and shapeshift (mostly into a cat)

Family: Her Mistress, Jim (her godson), and the Naga family

Gender: Demi-Girl(Woman) (She/Her)

Sexual Preferences: Demi-Sexual

Accomplishments: Has successfully dealt with Ciel's dramatic ass without losing her cool, and dealing with a certain childish detective

Likes: Baking sweets, birds, her Mistress, her godson, human organs, and omelets

Dislikes: Ciel's attitude, that certain detective, risen demons, Sebastian's cockiness, and anything that poses a threat to her Mistress and family

Voice Actress: Hayley Atwell

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